Hi @balintk, we have started to use spark to quickly setup IULD8 search solr container locally, currently we are not using the other docker container services so was a waste of resources to compose all the services from docker-compose.drupal8.yml, to avoid this problem I have implemented an argument that allows to limit the compose to one specific container service:
composer robo containers:start solr
Additionally I have documented the methods from ContainerCommands class. I see spark pretty useful to other commands that we have in IUL so will be passing more contributions soon. Thanks for the great work here!
Hi @balintk, we have started to use spark to quickly setup IULD8 search solr container locally, currently we are not using the other docker container services so was a waste of resources to compose all the services from docker-compose.drupal8.yml, to avoid this problem I have implemented an argument that allows to limit the compose to one specific container service:
composer robo containers:start solr
Additionally I have documented the methods from ContainerCommands class. I see spark pretty useful to other commands that we have in IUL so will be passing more contributions soon. Thanks for the great work here!