Bluetooth-Devices / bthome-ble

Parser for BTHome BLE devices
MIT License
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FHEM Integration #110

Closed N3331N closed 1 month ago

N3331N commented 4 months ago

Hi, I would like to ask for bthome integration in FHEM. It is a very big home automation platform and it would be great to have bthome there too. Regards

Ernst79 commented 4 months ago

Hi, BTHome is an open source Bluetooth format, so, it's free to use for anyone who want to use it.

The bthome-ble package that is hosted on this github repo is mainly meant to parse the Bluetooth data and translate that to sensor/event data. The main implementation of this repo is to feed Home Assistant with the necessary info.

I won't be going to develop an BTHome integration for FHEM, mainly due to time limitations and the fact that I don't use FHEM myself. But, as said, you are free to copy or adjust code to create an FHEM implementation. I'll leave the issue open for others who are willing to invest time in your request.

N3331N commented 4 months ago

Found a solution: