Bluetooth-Devices / bthome-ble

Parser for BTHome BLE devices
MIT License
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Works from another network #122

Closed perpaul closed 1 month ago

perpaul commented 2 months ago

I have 2 networks connected via a Wireguard VPN. HA is in network A, BT-proxy in network B. BT-proxy can be reached from network A: updates, logs, etc... However, BT-proxy does not recognize any BT-devices in its area. If I connect the BT-proxy directly to network A, BT- devices are recognized. Is there a solution for this use case?

Ernst79 commented 2 months ago

I think this is a BT-proxy issue, not a BTHome issue. I guess you can better ask at the ESPHome/BT-proxy developers. As long as the BLE message arrives in HA (Bluetooth integration), it should be working.

thecode commented 2 months ago

@perpaul Which device you use as a BT Proxy?

perpaul commented 2 months ago

The device is an ATOM Lite, connected to the network via WiFi

thecode commented 1 month ago

The device is an ATOM Lite, connected to the network via WiFi

I assume it is running ESPhome, in that case you should create an issue at and make sure to tag it with the correct integration (ESPHome)

Ernst79 commented 1 month ago

I'm closing this issue here, please follow the instructions of @thecode