Bluetooth-Devices / bthome-ble

Parser for BTHome BLE devices
MIT License
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Cannot get bthome (in home assistant) to work after OS upgrade from raspberry bullseye from buster #88

Closed AdrianGarside closed 9 months ago

AdrianGarside commented 10 months ago

None of my existing Xiaomi devices that were working perfectly are working and bthome cannot discover any of the new ones I was about to set up.

'sudo hcitool lescan' listed all the BLE devices successfully with buster. But with bullseye it just gives an error: pi@pi:~ $ sudo hcitool lescan Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error

blutoothctl also doesn't list any of the Xiaomi devices - barely anything shows in fact and I have other bluetooth devices in the house that the pi previously could see.

I'm at a loss and I haven't been able to find anything online that describes this problem.

Ernst79 commented 9 months ago

This is most likely an issue with the Bluetooth integration on your system (probably Bluetooth isn't available to the user/docker/venv that is running Home Assistant). Please open an issue in the Home Assistant Core or Home Assistant Os repo.

AdrianGarside commented 9 months ago

Bluetooth is available to the docker instance. The problem seems to be that the BLE support that bthome needs was removed from the kernel as even in the host os the various tools that could see the devices with buster are wholly unable to (or just fail with an error) with bullseye.

Since I wasn’t able to get help anywhere on the problems with bullseye I gave up and switched wholly to esp32 Bluetooth proxies as those are independent of the Linux kernel or distributions choices.