BoKKeR / RSS-to-Telegram-Bot

RSS to Telegram python script
GNU General Public License v3.0
247 stars 105 forks source link

Is it invalid? #22

Closed lbbboy closed 2 years ago

lbbboy commented 2 years ago

Docker deployment completed All commands are invalid.

send /help to the bot to get this message:

RSS to Telegram bot

After successfully adding a RSS link, the bot starts fetching the feed every 60 seconds. (This can be set) Titles are used to easily manage RSS feeds and need to contain only one word


/add title http://www(.)URL(.)com

/help Shows this text

/remove !Title! removes the RSS link

/list Lists all the titles and the RSS links from the DB

/test Inbuilt command that fetches a post from Reddits RSS.
BoKKeR commented 2 years ago

Do you have the bot running with the right env variables?

lbbboy commented 2 years ago

Do you have the bot running with the right env variables? Need to modify this file?

docker create \ \
-e DELAY=60 \
-e TOKEN=myToken \
-e CHATID=myChatID \
-v RSS-to-Telegram-Bot:/config \
--restart unless-stopped \
curl -X POST "*/sendMessage" -d "chat_id=*&text=test"

The information is acceptable and the token id is correct

docker -V I don't understand how to configure here