Boardirectory / Board-Directory

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How to make the directory less static and more interacting #15

Closed maxpen closed 11 years ago

maxpen commented 11 years ago


Hard one. If we allow to comment in the topic people will get more engaged on the forums, but the bis will look very static. If we allow them to comment in the bis the forums will be left out.

Feature list of possible ideas:

1) Add a advanced yet simple comment area to the board page that gives the possibility for the any type of person to comment on the board. Like being able to connect to his account on google plus, facebook, twitter to leave a comment with. Or just as a logged in user or as a guest.

In other words make the comment area have a bloggish feature style.

-Comment author, website url, comment author e-mail input fields.

2) Have under the board page a bar that allows a guest or logged in member to share their opinion of the board by 1 click.

we could have 6 icons which stand for:

-Creative -Informative -Cool -Interesting -Like -Dislike

3) Share buttons on the board page.

4) Activity stream under the board page.

Showing: (Below are all possible sub-feature ideas for point 4.)

-Who favorited that board, -made a review of that board, -liked/disliked the board, -commented on the board, -visited the page of the board, -clicked the url to the REAL board. -gave the board a rating from hovering and clicking the right amount of stars. 1 of 5. -showing when a board unlocked a certain achievement. -- Been x time on our directory, got x time old, etc... -when a board has been given a award. -when the board is given a donation

5) Allow the board owner to ask a question like for feedback on a certain thing on his/her board and allow then the users and guests to give comments or vote.

6) Other ideas? Reply with them below and I'll add them if they show promise.

The good, the bad and the ugly.

The promo topic on the board should only be meant for logged in users to response to. The board page on the directory will be easier to do things on for people not that involved on our community. While on our forums the promo topics can have interactions from just our members and no one else.

The bad is we take alot of neat features and put them all in one place... Yet there are still many feature ideas we can put on the promo topic on our forum.

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ghost commented 11 years ago

I like the idea of "Share this board on Twitter". Not sure about the reply stuff. Both platforms, the board and the directory should be interactive. But both in other ways.

maxpen commented 11 years ago

Both platforms, the board and the directory should be interactive. But both in other ways.

I agree a 100%! Before we can figure this out we need to first figure out a 100% what both pages will be intended for.

ghost commented 11 years ago

So as we aren't sure yet this issue is closed.