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Who to allow submitting boards #5

Closed maxpen closed 11 years ago

maxpen commented 11 years ago


Only board owners and the staff of a board can submit boards.

As per our discussion here:

What do we plan on doing about this?

I would really like board owners aswell as none board owners to be able to submit boards into our directory.

Of course none board owners would only have the feature of updating the board info. Nothing more.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Allowing non-board owners adds a tun of complexity to the system, and after all, BD is not much more then an advertising system. If a user feels a board should be added he can inform the appropriate owner about us so he can add us.

maxpen commented 11 years ago

Is there not a simple less complex way to do this? To allow members that don't own the board to add it?

Like just a simple option in the submission forum that says:

Are you the owner of this board? Yes/No.

If selected no the BIS knows and will just give a a extra page on the BIS Panel with the boards listed they submitted and update board info link.

We don't need two BPC's for that.

ghost commented 11 years ago

We do, 1 with limited features and one with full features. Also, those boards will not be maintained well and eventually die inside the directory due not up-to date information.

maxpen commented 11 years ago

We can let a notice appear above the page on the forum and inside the BIS of boards that haven't been updated in x time. So people know the information might not be that accurate anymore.

We can also run a cron job or soemthing that checks for dead links. And if so removes the board in a unapprovel mode that we got to check and archive or let the BIS e-mail the board owner and letting them know they got a not working link and need to fix it and if the don't do so in x time let us archive the board.

Now regarding the two BPC's how much more work are we looking at? If we plan on doing this.

ghost commented 11 years ago

First of all. The notice won't have any effects because boards so old will not even appear anymore in the directory anyways. (Like way at the end)

The cron job will be done, even if the board isn't submitted by someone random.

We cannot email the board owner as we do not have his contact details.

The 2 BCPs part is just a minor piece of all the code needed to make this work. You don't request a page to be indexed by Google either, if you don't own the site, right?

maxpen commented 11 years ago

No but this is different.

Here's an example:

On Forum Promotion do you think only board owners promote the sites advertised there? No. Friends somstimes come and share their mates site or forum or even staff on a forum come on by and advertise the forum they work at.

For the reasons mentioned above I find it a must to be honest to make it possible for none board owners to submit a board to.

We cannot email the board owner as we do not have his contact details.

Easy fix. Most boards got always some contact info mentioned somewhere on the forum. We ask the person filling out the form to include the board's e-mail. Could be

If the person filling out the form is not the board owner then two e-mails will be send out. One to him and the other if a second e-mail is included to the board owner.

ghost commented 11 years ago

The staff member is basically just a representative of the board.

maxpen commented 11 years ago

Yeah. But they don't count as board owner do they? So I thought. Anyway I'm sure we'll figure this out on how to do this right when the time comes near.