Boavizta / PCR-SI_dataformat

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Formalize data format using a json schema #3

Open demeringo opened 4 months ago

demeringo commented 4 months ago

So far our repository contains examples of data.

To make the proposed format truly interoperable (or standard) we need to provide a format definition against which a specific data file can be validated.

JSON schema should be a good way to represent it:

We should provide it as part of the repository.

demeringo commented 4 months ago

There was a work in progress to provide an OpenAPI specification (swagger) document. In which case we should probably not create the json schema from scratch but extract it from OAS spec to avoid duplicated work.

demeringo commented 4 months ago

@Amael-PE did you had an update on this OpenAPI spec contribution (I do not see a related PR) ?

Amael-PE commented 4 months ago

@demeringo Work is In Progress ^^. We are actively (Sebastien is, in fact) working on the RestFull spec. As soon as he get a proposal, we PR it

sebwt commented 3 months ago

OAS issue done for tracing , PR too need a json formated swagger ;-) a fast run in attachement json-schema.json