BobMowzie / MowziesMobs

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1.19.2 Forge Bug Bosses cause crashes and disconnects on server side. #745

Open franciscogolen opened 2 months ago

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago

Hello i am the dev of Cisco's Rpg who messaged you about crashes on server side. Players report getting and io netty decoder error and while i was unable to get the umvuthi logs i was able to get one for the ferrous wroughtnaught. Singleplayer seems to be unaffected by this issue.



BobMowzie commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry, can you please remind me the context here?

That error says something on the server is configured to the resource location "minecraft:?" which is invalid. It makes no mention of mowzies mobs.

BobMowzie commented 2 months ago

Do you have an actual crash log?

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately no this is what the players have provided for this particular issue the player says that they got disconnected with that error message about the resource location when entering a chunk with the ferrous wroughtnaught's structure.

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago

I have been unable to replicate the issues myself so i'm not sure if it requires two or more players to occur

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago


On two seperate occasions.

BobMowzie commented 2 months ago

Ah, so these are their client logs? Is there any message on the server itself? If the server crashed, there should be server crash log with the information I need.

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago

I don't think the server crashed for the ferrous wroughtnaught incident unfortunately but hang on let me see if there is anything i can get from them

BobMowzie commented 2 months ago

If you could search the modpack's data, resourcepack, and config files for the string "minecraft:?" that would also be helpful.

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago

Yeah for the players said the never crashed and the only logs they have are the ones i provided . There are many many of those any ideas on how to narrow it down?

BobMowzie commented 2 months ago

Can you please have the players experiencing the issue message me themselves?

franciscogolen commented 2 months ago

Alright np.