BobRak / OpenHAB-Smartthings

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contactSensor won't post to smartthings #55

Closed seanio-dev closed 5 years ago

seanio-dev commented 5 years ago

Hi Bob, I'm having problems getting an contactSensor to post back to smartthings. I am however able to get switches to change states. I'm new to openhab so there's a chance i'm doing something completely wrong.

openHab >> Smartthings - Switch OK openHab << Smartthings - Switch OK

openHab >> Smartthings - Contact Not working openHab << Smartthings - Contact OK

default.sitemap sitemap default label="myHome" { Text item=FrontDoor Text item=vsensor Switch item=vswitch } default.items Contact FrontDoor "Front Door [%s]" <door> {gpio="pin:16 debounce:10 activelow:yes"} Contact vsensor "vsensor [%s]" { channel="smartthings:contactSensor:MySTHub:vsensor:contact"} Switch vswitch "vswitch [%s]" {channel="smartthings:switch:MySTHub:vswitch:switch" }

default.things Bridge smartthings:smartthings:MySTHub [ smartthingsIp="", smartthingsPort=39500 ] { Thing contactSensor vsensor [ smartthingsName="vsensor" ] Thing switch vswitch [ smartthingsName="vswitch" ] } default.rules ` rule "test" when Item FrontDoor changed from OPEN to CLOSED or Item FrontDoor changed from CLOSED to OPEN or Item vswitch changed from ON to OFF or Item vswitch changed from OFF to ON then logInfo("org.openhab", "Executing Rule 1")

val String curVal = "-"
if (FrontDoor.state.toString == "OPEN") {curVal = "OFF"} else if (FrontDoor.state.toString == "CLOSED") {curVal = "ON"}
if (curVal != vswitch.state.toString && curVal != "-")
            sendCommand(vswitch, curVal)


rule "test2" when Item FrontDoor changed from OPEN to CLOSED or Item FrontDoor changed from CLOSED to OPEN or Item vsensor changed from CLOSED to OPEN or Item vsensor changed from OPEN to CLOSED then logInfo("org.openhab", "Executing Rule 2")

if (FrontDoor.state.toString != vsensor.state.toString)
        logInfo("org.openhab",  "FrontDoor:" + FrontDoor.state.toString)
        logInfo("org.openhab",  "vsensor:" + vsensor.state.toString)
        //sendCommand(vsensor, FrontDoor.state)
        //postUpdate(vsensor, FrontDoor.state)

        if (FrontDoor.state.toString == "OPEN")
            logInfo("org.openhab",  "open")
        } else if (FrontDoor.state.toString == "CLOSED") 
            logInfo("org.openhab",  "closed")




Smartthings Logs

b2f93e4b-cdb5-4c8d-a600-fc61532e01cb 8:56:56 AM: debug Subscribing to event handler null b2f93e4b-cdb5-4c8d-a600-fc61532e01cb 8:56:56 AM: debug Subscribing inputHandler to device "[vswitch]" with attribute "switch" b2f93e4b-cdb5-4c8d-a600-fc61532e01cb 8:56:56 AM: debug Subscribing inputHandler to device "[vsensor]" with attribute "contact" b2f93e4b-cdb5-4c8d-a600-fc61532e01cb 8:56:56 AM: debug Updated with settings: [contactSensor:[vsensor], switch:[vswitch], openhabDevice:Openhabianpi]

OpenHab Logs

`018-10-09 09:27:43.862 [INFO ] [] - Executing Rule 2

2018-10-09 09:27:43.862 [INFO ] [] - Executing Rule 1

2018-10-09 09:27:43.875 [INFO ] [] - FrontDoor:OPEN

2018-10-09 09:27:43.888 [INFO ] [] - vsensor:CLOSED

2018-10-09 09:27:43.900 [INFO ] [] - open

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2018-10-09 09:27:43.884 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'vswitch' received command OFF

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2018-10-09 09:27:43.909 [INFO ] [] - Executing Rule 1

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2018-10-09 09:27:43.915 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'vsensor' received command OPEN

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2018-10-09 09:27:43.924 [INFO ] [] - Executing Rule 2

==> /var/log/openhab2/events.log <==

2018-10-09 09:27:43.929 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - vswitch changed from ON to OFF

2018-10-09 09:27:43.938 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - vsensor changed from CLOSED to OPEN

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2018-10-09 09:27:44.028 [INFO ] [hings.internal.SmartthingsHttpClient] - Sent message "{"capabilityKey": "switch", "deviceDisplayName": "vswitch", "capabilityAttribute": "switch", "value": "off"}" with path "/update" to the Smartthings hub, recieved HTTP status 202

2018-10-09 09:27:49.719 [INFO ] [ings.handler.SmartthingsThingHandler] - Smartthings updated State for channel: smartthings:switch:MySTHub:vswitch:switch to OFF`

BobRak commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much for your very thorough explanation of what is going on. The answer is actually quite simple. The switch device is designed to have it's openHab state updated when the switch is toggled. And, it is designed to be changed by openHab. The contact sensor is only designed to be changed when the contact is triggered.

This is actually the way Smartthings is designed. Look in the Smartthings capabilities reference. The switch includes a commands section in its definition. But the contactSensor does not include a commands section meaning that the smartthings hub isn't supposed to be able to update it.

Think about how it works in the physical world. For the switch when is is toggled you want openHab to know about it and update. And, you want to be able to change it from openHab. Think about a contact sensor on a door, openHab should be notified when it changes state (i.e. the door opens or closes). But, openHab can't open or close the door.

You might look at the door control device. It is designed to report when it is opening or closing and it is designed to allow openHab to control it.
