BobRay / UpgradeMODX

A dashboard widget that detects upgrades and (optionally) installs them from within the MODX Manager
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Error: Could not get version list from GitHub. error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version #39

Closed Plushkin closed 5 years ago

Plushkin commented 6 years ago

Upgrade MODX

Error: error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version Error: Could not get version list from GitHub

BobRay commented 6 years ago

Are you behind a proxy server?

Plushkin commented 6 years ago


Plushkin commented 6 years ago

MODX Revolution 2.3.5-pl (traditional) Кодовое имя версии: Revolution phpinfo(): Просмотреть Серверное время: 04:38:23 PM Местное время: 04:38:23 PM Смещение серверного времени: 0 Версия ExtJS: 3.4.1 Версия Smarty: 3.0.4 Версия PHPMailer: 5.2.8 Версия MagpieRSS: 0.72 Тип базы данных: mysql Версия базы данных: 4.1.25-log Кодировка базы данных: utf8 Имя базы данных: wwwsaromatruaromat Сервер базы данных: Префикс таблицы: modx MySQL Support: enabled Active Persistent Links: 0 Active Links: 0 Client API version: mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: 65fe78e70ce53d27a6cd578597722950e490b0d0 $ Directive: Local Value,Master Value mysql.allow_local_infile: On,On mysql.allow_persistent: Off,Off mysql.connect_timeout: -1,-1 mysql.default_host: no value,no value mysql.default_password: no value,no value mysql.default_port: no value,no value mysql.default_socket: no value,no value mysql.default_user: no value,no value mysql.max_links: Unlimited,Unlimited mysql.max_persistent: Unlimited,Unlimited mysql.trace_mode: Off,Off PDO support: enabled PDO drivers: sqlite, mysql, pgsql PDO Driver for MySQL: enabled Client API version: mysqlnd 5.0.8-dev - 20102224 - $Id: 65fe78e70ce53d27a6cd578597722950e490b0d0 $ Directive: Local Value,Master Value pdo_mysql.default_socket: /tmp/mysql.sock,/tmp/mysql.sock Zip: enabled Extension Version: $Id$ Zip version: 1.9.1 Libzip version: 0.9.0

BobRay commented 6 years ago

I assume you're using Version 1.5.1 of UGM. If you've made several upgrades, you may have hit the GitHub rate limit. It could also be a timeout. You may need to create a github account and set the &github_username and &github_token properties. You can also try messing with the &githubTimeout property, the &attempts property, and the &forceFopen property.

There could also be a problem with your SSL certificate or configuration.

terrybarth commented 5 years ago

I'm getting this error on one the dashboard on one of my sites. I'm working with server admin to resolve but I could use some help to help him.

Modx 2.6.1 PHP Version: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.26 cURL Information | 7.22.0 SSL Version | OpenSSL/1.0.1

I've shared the forum posts about this where updating cURL and SSL were suggested as potential solutions to this problem. He's updated the system packets for both, but I'm stilling getting this error.

Since then, I've uninstalled, removed and reinstalled the updater, cleared cache, still no joy.

Any other ideas, I don't know how to help this guy. He a really sharp guy, but doesn't know Modx and I don't know much about server admin.

BobRay commented 5 years ago

You could try setting the forceFopen property of the widget snippet. You might be hitting the GitHub rate limit. You can avoid it by getting a free account at GitHub and adding your GitHub credentials to UGM in the github_token and github_username properties.

Also, try deleting the core/cache/upgrademodx/versionlist file. It could be corrupted.

terrybarth commented 5 years ago

Bob thanks for the suggestions. I tried all of them.

Now I'm getting this error:

Error: ( - fopen) failed Error: Could not get version list from GitHub

If I turn off the force open, I get the original error message.

I used the github account credentials, that I'm using here.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that the updater status widget is also not able to reach Github.

Is ubuntu a factor here? PHP Version: 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.26

Would it help if I gave you a login to Modx? I would expect the client would be happy to pay for your time.

Thanks Bob!

BobRay commented 5 years ago

What do you see if you put this in your browser's address bar:

terrybarth commented 5 years ago

I see:

[ { "name": "v2.6.5-pl", "zipball_url": "", "tarball_url": "", "commit": { "sha": "4ab357178e98708feeb92392557a4f3c87f0cebc", "url": "" }, "node_id": "MDM6UmVmODA2MjAxOnYyLjYuNS1wbA==" }, { "name": "v2.6.4-pl", "zipball_url": "", "tarball_url": "", "commit": { "sha": "5d235070e1eca9bd414cb4a43697c0de797d74a7", "url": "" }, "node_id": "MDM6UmVmODA2MjAxOnYyLjYuNC1wbA==" },

and remaining versions

[image: logo] Terry Barth Design , Website Development 612 859 2453 | 730 Stinson Blvd NE #103 | | Get your own email signature

On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 4:26 PM Bob Ray wrote:

What do you see if you put this in your browser's address bar:

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .[image: Web Bug from] {"api_version":"1.0","publisher":{"api_key":"05dde50f1d1a384dd78767c55493e4bb","name":"GitHub"},"entity":{"external_key":"github/BobRay/UpgradeMODX","title":"BobRay/UpgradeMODX","subtitle":"GitHub repository","main_image_url":" ","avatar_image_url":"","action":{"name":"Open in GitHub","url":""}},"updates":{"snippets":[{"icon":"PERSON","message":"@BobRay in #39: What do you see if you put this in your browser's address bar:"}],"action":{"name":"View Issue","url":""}}} [ { "@context": "", "@type": "EmailMessage", "potentialAction": { "@type": "ViewAction", "target": "", "url": "", "name": "View Issue" }, "description": "View this Issue on GitHub", "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "GitHub", "url": "" } }, { "@type": "MessageCard", "@context": "", "hideOriginalBody": "false", "originator": "AF6C5A86-E920-430C-9C59-A73278B5EFEB", "title": "Re: [BobRay/UpgradeMODX] Error: Could not get version list from GitHub. error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version (#39)", "sections": [ { "text": "", "activityTitle": "Bob Ray", "activityImage": "", "activitySubtitle": "@BobRay", "facts": [ ] } ], "potentialAction": [ { "name": "Add a comment", "@type": "ActionCard", "inputs": [ { "isMultiLine": true, "@type": "TextInput", "id": "IssueComment", "isRequired": false } ], "actions": [ { "name": "Comment", "@type": "HttpPOST", "target": "", "body": "{\n\"commandName\": \"IssueComment\",\n\"repositoryFullName\": \"BobRay/UpgradeMODX\",\n\"issueId\": 39,\n\"IssueComment\": \"{{IssueComment.value}}\"\n}" } ] }, { "name": "Close issue", "@type": "HttpPOST", "target": "", "body": "{\n\"commandName\": \"IssueClose\",\n\"repositoryFullName\": \"BobRay/UpgradeMODX\",\n\"issueId\": 39\n}" }, { "targets": [ { "os": "default", "uri": "" } ], "@type": "OpenUri", "name": "View on GitHub" }, { "name": "Unsubscribe", "@type": "HttpPOST", "target": "", "body": "{\n\"commandName\": \"MuteNotification\",\n\"threadId\": 339846886\n}" } ], "themeColor": "26292E" } ]

BobRay commented 5 years ago

I had a thought. Try setting the ssl_verify_peer property of the UpgradeMODXWidget snippet to "No" and then manually delete the core/cache files.

If that doesn't work, I have some other ideas. The next version will probably have a better way to solve this.

terrybarth commented 5 years ago

Done. No change.

BobRay commented 5 years ago

OK, UGM uses its own cert file to avoid people having to set a path to it.

The file is: core\components\upgrademodx\cacert.pem.

Two more things to try. You'll have to turn ssl_verify_peer back on to get these to take effect and clear the cache files again:

  1. Rename that cacert.pem file (for backup) and replace it with a new cert file (from your host) with the exact same name.

If that doesn't work:

  1. Change the path in line 751 of the UpgradeMODXScriptSource chunk to point to the hosts cert file.

$certPath = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/upgrademodx/cacert.pem';


$certPath = full/path/to/hosts/cert/file';

BobRay commented 5 years ago

Closing this with one last suggestion. Turn off the MODX dashboard News and Security feeds and move them below the UGM widget on your dashboard, then clear the cache manually. If that works, try turning the feeds back on.