BobRay / UpgradeMODX

A dashboard widget that detects upgrades and (optionally) installs them from within the MODX Manager
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Problem upgrading from MODX from 2.6.4 to 2.6.5 #43

Closed andytough closed 5 years ago

andytough commented 6 years ago

If your MODX version is 2.6.4 UpgradeMODX 1.5.5 reports that the latest version available is 2.6.4, when it should be 2.6.5.

It was able to trick it into performing an upgrade by...

Changing System Settings / settings_version from 2.6.4 to 2.6.3

Changing line 5 of /core/docs/ from

$v['minor_version']= '4'; // Current minor version. to v['minor_version']= '3'; // Current minor version.

Not sure of what I did wise?!

BobRay commented 6 years ago

By default, UGM updates the version list once a week (you can change this with the &version property or the widget snippet).

The fastest way to get a current list is to delete the core/cache/upgrademodx/versionlist file, clear the cache, and reload the dashboard page.

andytough commented 5 years ago

Thank you Bob.

BobRay commented 5 years ago

You're welcome. :) FYI, the new version (due out soon) sets the time to check at one day.