BobTheFarmer / Colin-Blog3

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N@TM Reflection #16

Open BobTheFarmer opened 7 months ago

BobTheFarmer commented 7 months ago

2-Tri project focus planning

Test data

We allowed users to add some data to the database which we can keep as demo data. In addition, by letting users test our project, we gained some insight into how they would be inclined to use it in relation to data. For example, in the issues section, there was some confusion of what the title vs description should be.


I think getting a variety of perspectives at N@TM was our biggest success. Many people tried out our project, and I tried to keep track of everything of note:

Event blogging


I think our biggest glow was having a complete demo to show everyone for N@TM. Doing reviews a couple of days before N@TM meant we had some time to look through our project and change things to have something that was pretty polished to show.

Another glow we had was our presenting style. We would try to let users explore the project and explain things to them as they got to keep it interactive and engaging.

The biggest thing we need to work on was our login system. Not having that ready meant many features could not be fully connected and made the website unnecessarily harder to use as users had to type their username for every request.







N@TM blogging

I looked at a variety of projects from all CSSE, CSP, and CSA. My favorite project was probably the Mario project that CSSE worked on. I have never made a game and it was cool to see what they made. It is also cool that they were able to put it in a browser.

Outside of CSA my favorite projects were probably from the pottery class. I liked the vases they made because they all looked like they took a lot of effort to make and were each really an effort by the students.

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jm1021 commented 7 months ago

I like the reflective and corrective nature of your comments "had to explain" and "get login working for connection" are the type of statements that I expect. BTW, most sites have a landing page before login that helps with confusion. So many start with Login page, even though I always say we should not do that.