BobaUbisoft17 / Schedule_bot

Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link

Статический анализ #20

Open Masynchin opened 2 years ago

Masynchin commented 2 years ago

Использовал следующие flake8-плагины:


Команда запуска:

flake8 schedule_bot/ --max-cognitive-complexity=5


schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont' is identified as Third Party and 'from typing import List, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from dataclasses import dataclass' should be before 'from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from dataclasses import dataclass' is identified as Stdlib and 'from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import os' should be before 'from dataclasses import dataclass'
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import glob' should be before 'import os'
schedule_bot/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (15 > 5)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (92 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ W291 trailing whitespace
schedule_bot/ W291 trailing whitespace
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (93 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ W293 blank line contains whitespace
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (87 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D202 No blank lines allowed after function docstring
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from typing import List, Tuple' should be before 'from convert_text_to_image import Schedule' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from typing import List, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib and 'from convert_text_to_image import Schedule' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import pdfplumber' is identified as Third Party and 'from typing import List, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import glob' should be before 'import pdfplumber' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import glob' is identified as Stdlib and 'import pdfplumber' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (6 > 5)
schedule_bot/ R503 missing explicit return at the  end of function ableto return non-None value.
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (17 > 5)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (91 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E222 multiple spaces after operator
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (21 > 5)
schedule_bot/ C416 Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite using list().
schedule_bot/ C416 Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite using list().
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (33 > 5)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (87 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import glob' should be before 'from typing import List'
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D100 Missing docstring in public module
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from vkbottle import CodeException' is identified as Third Party and 'from db_users import get_users_id, unsubscribe_on_newsletter' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ W292 no newline at end of file
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ I101 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be BaseStateGroup, PhotoMessageUploader
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from vkbottle import PhotoMessageUploader, BaseStateGroup' should be before 'from import Bot, Message'
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import logging' should be before 'from vkbottle import PhotoMessageUploader, BaseStateGroup' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import logging' is identified as Stdlib and 'from vkbottle import PhotoMessageUploader, BaseStateGroup' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I101 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be all_classes_names, back1, back2, back3, change_class_keyboard, classes_names, get_schedule_keyboard, give_parallel, hide_keyboard, kb_select_school, memory_class_keyboard, parallel, parallels_keyboard, school_payloads, settings_keyboard, sub_keyboard, unsub_keyboard
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from keyboard import hide_keyboard, back1, back2, back3, parallels_keyboard, school_payloads, kb_select_school, parallel, classes_names, give_parallel, get_schedule_keyboard, settings_keyboard, sub_keyboard, unsub_keyboard, memory_class_keyboard, change_class_keyboard, all_classes_names' is identified as Third Party and 'import logging' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I101 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be add_id, change_user_class, check_class, check_school_and_class, check_user_subscription, create_table, get_school_and_class, subscribe_on_newsletter, unsubscribe_on_newsletter
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from db_users import create_table, add_id, check_user_subscription, subscribe_on_newsletter, unsubscribe_on_newsletter, check_school_and_class, get_school_and_class, change_user_class, check_class' should be before 'from keyboard import hide_keyboard, back1, back2, back3, parallels_keyboard, school_payloads, kb_select_school, parallel, classes_names, give_parallel, get_schedule_keyboard, settings_keyboard, sub_keyboard, unsub_keyboard, memory_class_keyboard, change_class_keyboard, all_classes_names' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from db_users import create_table, add_id, check_user_subscription, subscribe_on_newsletter, unsubscribe_on_newsletter, check_school_and_class, get_school_and_class, change_user_class, check_class' is identified as Third Party and 'from keyboard import hide_keyboard, back1, back2, back3, parallels_keyboard, school_payloads, kb_select_school, parallel, classes_names, give_parallel, get_schedule_keyboard, settings_keyboard, sub_keyboard, unsub_keyboard, memory_class_keyboard, change_class_keyboard, all_classes_names' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from file_service import get_schedule_class' is identified as Third Party and 'from db_users import create_table, add_id, check_user_subscription, subscribe_on_newsletter, unsubscribe_on_newsletter, check_school_and_class, get_school_and_class, change_user_class, check_class' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from schedule_parser14 import parse14' is identified as Third Party and 'from file_service import get_schedule_class' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from schedule_parser40 import parse40' is identified as Third Party and 'from schedule_parser14 import parse14' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import os' should be before 'from schedule_parser40 import parse40' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import os' is identified as Stdlib and 'from schedule_parser40 import parse40' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import asyncio' should be before 'import os'
schedule_bot/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
schedule_bot/ N801 class name 'States_memory_class' should use CapWords convention
schedule_bot/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
schedule_bot/ N801 class name 'States_change_class' should use CapWords convention
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (96 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (89 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (138 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (98 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (87 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (103 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ F811 redefinition of unused 'back' from line 243
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (104 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (86 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (134 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (96 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ R503 missing explicit return at the  end of function ableto return non-None value.
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ R503 missing explicit return at the  end of function ableto return non-None value.
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ F811 redefinition of unused 'back' from line 256
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ F811 redefinition of unused 'back' from line 372
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (85 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ ANN201 Missing return type annotation for public function
schedule_bot/ D101 Missing docstring in public class
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (86 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (86 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (40 > 5)
schedule_bot/ C416 Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite using list().
schedule_bot/ C416 Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite using list().
schedule_bot/ C416 Unnecessary list comprehension - rewrite using list().
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (26 > 5)
schedule_bot/ ANN202 Missing return type annotation for protected function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN202 Missing return type annotation for protected function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ I101 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be List, Tuple
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import aiosqlite' is identified as Third Party and 'from typing import Tuple, List' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (133 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (138 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (103 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN001 Missing type annotation for function argument 'school'
schedule_bot/ ANN001 Missing type annotation for function argument 'class_'
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (142 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (117 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (6 > 5)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (106 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (107 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (99 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (84 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (89 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (101 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (88 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from typing import List, Tuple' should be before 'from convert_text_to_image import Schedule' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from typing import List, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib and 'from convert_text_to_image import Schedule' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import xlrd' is identified as Third Party and 'from typing import List, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import glob' should be before 'import xlrd' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import glob' is identified as Stdlib and 'import xlrd' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (102 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (103 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ ANN001 Missing type annotation for function argument 'sheet'
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (17 > 5)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (96 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (117 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ ANN001 Missing type annotation for function argument 'sheet'
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (140 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from bs4 import BeautifulSoup' is identified as Third Party and 'from typing import Optional, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from import Bot' is identified as Third Party and 'from bs4 import BeautifulSoup' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from convert_text_to_image import del_img, make_image, save_img' should be before 'from import Bot' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from convert_text_to_image import del_img, make_image, save_img' is identified as Third Party and 'from import Bot' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from pdf_parser import get_classes_schedules' is identified as Third Party and 'from convert_text_to_image import del_img, make_image, save_img' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from mailing import mailing_list' should be before 'from pdf_parser import get_classes_schedules' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from mailing import mailing_list' is identified as Third Party and 'from pdf_parser import get_classes_schedules' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import asyncio' should be before 'from mailing import mailing_list' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import asyncio' is identified as Stdlib and 'from mailing import mailing_list' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import aiohttp' is identified as Third Party and 'import os' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import aiofiles' should be before 'import aiohttp' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import aiofiles' is identified as Third Party and 'import aiohttp' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (135 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (13 > 5)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ R503 missing explicit return at the  end of function ableto return non-None value.
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (6 > 5)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (81 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (9 > 5)
schedule_bot/ W292 no newline at end of file
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from bs4 import BeautifulSoup' is identified as Third Party and 'from typing import List, Tuple' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from import Bot' is identified as Third Party and 'from bs4 import BeautifulSoup' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import aiohttp' should be before 'from import Bot' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import aiohttp' is identified as Third Party and 'from import Bot' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import aiofiles' should be before 'import aiohttp' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import aiofiles' is identified as Third Party and 'import aiohttp' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'import glob' should be before 'import aiofiles' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'import glob' is identified as Stdlib and 'import aiofiles' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from mailing import mailing_list' is identified as Third Party and 'import os' is identified as Stdlib.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from xls_parser import get_classes_schedules' is identified as Third Party and 'from mailing import mailing_list' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ I101 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be del_img, make_image, save_img
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from convert_text_to_image import make_image, del_img, save_img' should be before 'from xls_parser import get_classes_schedules' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from convert_text_to_image import make_image, del_img, save_img' is identified as Third Party and 'from xls_parser import get_classes_schedules' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (135 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (7 > 5)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (90 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (83 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ E501 line too long (80 > 79 characters)
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (9 > 5)
schedule_bot/ D103 Missing docstring in public function
schedule_bot/ W292 no newline at end of file
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ I101 Imported names are in the wrong order. Should be Keyboard, KeyboardButtonColor, OpenLink, Text
schedule_bot/ I100 Import statements are in the wrong order. 'from typing import List' should be before 'from vkbottle import Keyboard, KeyboardButtonColor, Text, OpenLink' and in a different group.
schedule_bot/ I201 Missing newline between import groups. 'from typing import List' is identified as Stdlib and 'from vkbottle import Keyboard, KeyboardButtonColor, Text, OpenLink' is identified as Third Party.
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ D205 1 blank line required between summary line and description
schedule_bot/ D400 First line should end with a period
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ R504 unecessary variable assignement before return statement.
schedule_bot/ CCR001 Cognitive complexity is too high (7 > 5)
bullbesh commented 2 years ago


Masynchin commented 2 years ago

@BobaUbisoft17, убрал 90% предупреждений 👍🏻.

Однако в процессе вышел такой конфуз:

И здесь почему-то одинарный пробел вместо отступа:

Ну и не стоит показывать @bullbesh'у 116ю строчку файла 😁.

BobaUbisoft17 commented 2 years ago

Потому как flake8 выдаёт предупреждение в ином случае

Masynchin commented 2 years ago

В этом случае он выдаёт чушь. Flake8 можно настроить под специфику проекта (или чтобы совсем бред не выдавал).