BobbyWibowo / lolisafe

Blazing fast file uploader and awesome bunker written in node! 🚀
MIT License
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Cannot access files uploaded to lolisafe #445

Closed pansy27 closed 2 years ago

pansy27 commented 2 years ago


I installed lolisafe by following the instructions for the production mode. After starting it, whenever i upload an image or video, it gets uploaded instantly. When i click on the generated link, all i see is a blank 1x1 px image and a blank chibisafe page in case of videos. I've set chibisafe to manage uploads in my config.js file.

I am also using NextDNS if that's relevant. I also cannot find a way to create an account on I can only sign in using my new admin account on "localhost:xxxx". I am not using nginx and simply started lolisafe with yarn start after installation was complete. I am attaching my config file and screenshots of the problem i am facing below.




^ The image i tried uploading.


^ Terminal output on starting lolisafe.

I also tried using the Firefox browser extension by adding my token to it but that also fails to connect to my album.

Here's my config file:

Sorry for the trouble.

BobbyWibowo commented 2 years ago

The screenshots confuse me a bit as they're seemingly mixed with chibisafe (a.k.a lolisafe v4) somehow? My fork is based on lolisafe v3

I am not using nginx and simply started lolisafe with yarn start after installation was complete

If you aren't using nginx, you need set to serveFilesWithNode to true in the config file, as the default config assumes you run this with nginx/apache/etc You also need to change the domain to http://localhost:PORT, where PORT is the same as the port value in config, as long as your intention is to access it locally for the time being

I also cannot find a way to create an account on

Yeah, my installation specifically is no longer open for public

pansy27 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the quick reply. Right as you said, i had set serveFilesWithNode to true in my config file. I however, did not change the domain to my localhost:port so it was pointing to which is clearly a mistake on my part. On changing the port to localhost:port, the files are showing up as intended with their thumbnails. However since it's running on localport, only i can access the files. I tried changing the domain to but it gives an 404 error about resource not found. How can i make it so that the files i upload can be viewed by others too ? Sorry for the stupid question.

BobbyWibowo commented 2 years ago

I tried changing the domain to but it gives an 404 error about resource not found.

That's normal, you're supposed to be using your own domain This project is meant to be self-hosted, i.e. in your own server with your own domain

pansy27 commented 2 years ago

I see. Thank you for helping me out. I'll close this issue now.