BobbyWibowo / lolisafe

Blazing fast file uploader and awesome bunker written in node! 🚀
MIT License
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Docker Image building error #519

Closed martinbndr closed 2 years ago

martinbndr commented 2 years ago

Hello, I would like to run the application using a docker container. Building the image using the docker file but during builds it failed.

Sending build context to Docker daemon  17.28MB
Step 1/11 : FROM node:lts-alpine
lts-alpine: Pulling from library/node
2408cc74d12b: Already exists 
5b80453a567d: Pull complete 
3420de6432e1: Pull complete 
65b549a28248: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:c785e617c8d7015190c0d41af52cc69be8a16e3d9eb7cb21f0bb58bcfca14d6b
Status: Downloaded newer image for node:lts-alpine
 ---> 97c7a05048e1
Step 2/11 : LABEL name "lolisafe-bobbywibowo"
 ---> Running in 1ddd5332db60
Removing intermediate container 1ddd5332db60
 ---> 527d5d8355df
Step 3/11 : LABEL version "3.0.0"
 ---> Running in 64bc856f6d1e
Removing intermediate container 64bc856f6d1e
 ---> e7f69b224013
Step 4/11 : LABEL maintainer "evanmn <>"
 ---> Running in 3a7093ddfa40
Removing intermediate container 3a7093ddfa40
 ---> 25cac3baea1f
Step 5/11 : WORKDIR /usr/src/lolisafe
 ---> Running in d15118036bb9
Removing intermediate container d15118036bb9
 ---> 5f77b8910260
Step 6/11 : COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
 ---> 2a4c759a565c
Step 7/11 : RUN apk --no-cache update && apk add --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies python make g++ && apk add --no-cache ffmpeg && apk del build-dependencies && yarn install --production && yarn cache clean
 ---> Running in 5a15685666cf
v3.16.0-196-g143603d2cf []
v3.16.0-196-g143603d2cf []
OK: 17026 distinct packages available
ERROR: unable to select packages:
    masked in: cache
    satisfies: world[build-dependencies=20220621.145802]
  python (no such package):
    required by: build-dependencies-20220621.145802[python]
The command '/bin/sh -c apk --no-cache update && apk add --no-cache --virtual build-dependencies python make g++ && apk add --no-cache ffmpeg && apk del build-dependencies && yarn install --production && yarn cache clean' returned a non-zero code: 2```

Any ideas how to solve this?
BobbyWibowo commented 2 years ago

You can probably edit the Dockerfile and put python before build-dependencies in line 12? If I understood the error message correctly that is Sorry I don't really use Docker, and the config is probably already outdated for awhile (it was originally made by another user)

Alternatively you can try this or

BobbyWibowo commented 2 years ago

The new docker config in is good to go It'll still use Alpine Linux image, instead of Debian/Ubuntu used in the ones I previously linked