I tried to print example code from README > Usage and got text and barcode being printed properly:
But when I try to print any image I'm just getting bunch of random characters. I made sure that the image has correct size and that the baud rate is also correct.
I also tried to hardcode self._byte_Time as sugested in #9
I managed to get my images working by setting a hardcoded self._byte_Time 0.0005 (which is somewhat close to the default timing) rather than depending on the low sleep time set by my higher baudrate 115200.
but it didn't work in my case.
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I tried to print example code from README > Usage and got text and barcode being printed properly:
But when I try to print any image I'm just getting bunch of random characters. I made sure that the image has correct size and that the baud rate is also correct.
I also tried to hardcode self._byte_Time as sugested in #9
but it didn't work in my case.
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