Bodify / BetterBlizzPlates

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Getting the following error when targeting mobs #9

Closed dabadoo closed 3 months ago

dabadoo commented 5 months ago

1434x ...rfaceBetterBlizzPlates/modules/classIcon.lua:297: attempt to index field 'classIndicator' (a nil value) [string "@BetterBlizzPlates/modules/classIcon.lua"]:297: in function `ClassIndicatorTargetHighlight' [string "@BetterBlizzPlates/modules/target.lua"]:551: in function <BetterBlizzPlates/modules/target.lua:465>

Locals: frame = Button { 0 = debuffs =

{ } WidgetContainer = Frame { } healPredictionDirty = false classificationIndicator = Texture { } hideCastbarOverride = false BigDebuffs = NamePlate1.BigDebuffs { } castBar = StatusBar { } maxDispelDebuffs = 0 inVehicle = false hideCastInfo = false displayedUnit = "nameplate1" optionTable =
{ } overAbsorbGlow = Texture { } SoftTargetFrame = Frame { } totalAbsorb = Texture { } name = FontString { } aggroHighlight = Texture { } needsUpdate = false myHealAbsorbRightShadow = Texture { } overHealAbsorbGlow = Texture { } PlayerLevelDiffFrame = Frame { } ignoreCUFNameRequirement = true newUnit = true selectionHighlight = Texture { } ClassificationFrame = Frame { } myHealAbsorbLeftShadow = Texture { } maxDebuffs = 0 unit = "nameplate1" unitExists = true buffs =
{ } disableMouse = true BetterBlizzPlates =
{ } hideNameOverride = false questIndicator = Texture { } RaidTargetFrame = Frame { } dispels =
{ } LoseAggroAnim = AnimationGroup { } BuffFrame = Frame { } murlocMode = Texture { } totalAbsorbOverlay = Texture { } myHealAbsorb = Texture { } maxBuffs = 0 otherHealPrediction = Texture { } myHealPrediction = Texture { } hideHealthBarMask = 0 isLootObject = false healthBar = StatusBar { } } config =
{ classIconColorBorder = true classIndicatorFriendlyScale = 1 useCustomTextureForEnemy = false customTextureInitialized = true nameplateAuraPlayersOnlyShowTarget = false raidmarkIndicator = false customTextureSelfMana = "Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8" classIndicatorHideRaidMarker = true auraColor = false classIndicatorHighlight = true classIconArenaOnly = false updateNameInitialized = true classIndicatorSpecIcon = false enemyHealthBarColor = false totemIndicator = true totemIndicatorColorName = true enableNameplateAuraCustomisation = false customTextureFriendly = "Interface\Addons\BetterBlizzPlates\media\DragonflightTexture" useCustomTextureForSelfMana = false arenaIndicators = true partyPointer = true totemIndicatorTestMode = false friendlyHideHealthBarNpc = true totemIndicatorTest = false hideResourceOnFriend = false showTotemIndicatorCooldownSwipe = true colorNPC = false totemIndicatorHideHealthBar = false classIndicatorAnchor = "TOP" targetIndicatorColorNameplate = false classIndicatorHighlightColor = true colorTargetName = false classIndicatorFriendlyAnchor = "TOP" questIndicator = true useCustomTextureForExtraBars = false hideNpcMurlocYPos = 0 showGuildNames = false classIconSquareBorder = false hideTargetHighlight = false friendlyHealthBarColor = false targetIndicator = false enemyNeutralHealthBarColorRGB =
{ } classIndicatorEnemy = false petIndicator = false changeNameplateBorderColor = false enemyHealthBarColorNpcOnly = false colorFocusName = false useCustomTextureForSelf = false healerIndicator = false useCustomTextureForFriendly = false useFakeName = false totemIndicatorInitialized = true colorNPCName = false updateHealthColorInitialized = true focusTargetIndicator = false targetIndicatorColorNameplateRGB =
{ } fadeOutNPC = false hideFriendlyNameText = false totemIndicatorAnchor = "TOP" totemIndicatorYPos = 0 nameplateResourceOnTarget = "0" friendlyHideHealthBar = true classIndicatorScale = 1 useCustomTextureForBars = false hideEnemyNameText = false enemyHealthBarColorRGB =
{ } classIconBgOnly = false anonModeOn = false changeNameplateBorderSize = false classColorPersonalNameplate = false friendIndicator = false castBarEmphasisHealthbarColor = false hideRaidmarkIndicator = false totemIndicatorColorHealthBar = true totemIndicatorDefaultCooldownTextSize = 0.850000 changeHealthbarHeight = false totemIndicatorScale = 1 totemIndicatorEnemyOnly = true totemIndicatorHideNameAndShiftIconDown = false classIndicatorFriendlyYPos = 0 healthNumbers = false enableCastbarCustomization = false focusTargetIndicatorColorNameplateRGB =
{ } totemIndicatorXPos = 0

Bodify commented 3 months ago

Forgot about the github. Fixed this loooong time ago. Sorry bout the late response.