Bodigrim / logict

A continuation-based backtracking logic programming monad
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Lifting `MonadLogic` through transformers. #34

Open jumper149 opened 1 year ago

jumper149 commented 1 year ago

I am working on a library that tries to implement instances for a lot of mtl-style type classes:

And now I wondered whether I managed to satisfy all the laws of MonadLogic and generally wanted to confirm that this approach works for MonadLogic and LogicT.

I started with this instance:

instance (LogicT.MonadLogic m, MonadTransControlIdentity t) => LogicT.MonadLogic (Elevator t m) where
  msplit tma = (((\(a, b) -> (a, lift b)) <$>) <$>) $
    liftWithIdentity $ \runT -> LogicT.msplit $ runT tma

I am very confident, that this is lawful, since the MonadTransControlIdentity constraint only allows IdentityT and ReaderT (and coercibles of these) as t.

Now the experimental part starts. The logict library implements instances for StateT and recently also WriterT (#33).

So I thought it might be possible to use MonadTransControl from the monad-control library to write the generalized instance instead:

instance (LogicT.MonadLogic m, MonadTransControl t) => LogicT.MonadLogic (Elevator t m) where
  msplit tma = liftWith (\runT -> LogicT.msplit $ runT tma) >>= \case
    Nothing -> pure Nothing
    Just (a, as) -> Just . (, restoreT as) <$> restoreT (pure a)

On first look this does seem to be equivalent to the instances from this library, but I wonder if it will also make sense for ExceptT and all the other transformers that satisfy MonadTransControl such as AccumT, MaybeT and so on.

jumper149 commented 1 year ago

After playing around with it for a bit I didn't find any problems except for one.

If you have another Alternative instance Monoid e => Alternative (ExceptT e m) for example, then the MonadLogic laws will break. With Elevator this isn't a problem, but ComposeT's behaviour is a bit unexpected, because there you can have mixed up instances.

Bodigrim commented 10 months ago

@jumper149 is there anyting left to discuss here?

jumper149 commented 10 months ago

I wasn't able to confirm that MonadTransControl really gives you the instance you desire. There might still be some problems with laziness.

I've not yet dared to merge this into master:

If this is lawful, that would mean that you can also add instances for WriterT, ExceptT and so on to the logict package.