Bodmer / JPEGDecoder

A JPEG decoder library
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PlatformIO TFT_eSPI+SD slot. Problem duplicate func #67

Closed serpetti closed 2 years ago

serpetti commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've just started to develop with ILI9341 and TFT_eSPI lib. Everything work perfectly, even the touchscreen. I've also added LVGL framework and is perfect (thanks Bodmer, great job). But I've a worrying behaviour when I try to add SD library. When I execute the method SD.begin(...) I get this error: [E][esp32-hal-cpu.c:93] addApbChangeCallback(): duplicate func=400D5FC8 arg=3FFBDCD8

I think it's due to multiple instantiations of SPI object, but is there a solution?

Thanks in advance

serpetti commented 2 years ago

Sorry, wrong project. Issue moved to TFT_eSPI