Open NhanDoremon opened 11 months ago
Here is all my code, I use 320x480 Tft LCD and ESP32 DevKit1:
// JPEG decoder library
// Define pin CS CD and RST for Each LCD
//Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST); //Adafruit_ST7796S_kbv tft(TFT_CS,TFT_DC, TFT_RST); Adafruit_ST7796S_kbv tft = Adafruit_ST7796S_kbv(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST); boolean SPIFFSInited = false; int imageIndex = 0;
void setup(void) {
// long unsigned debug_start = millis (); // while (!Serial && ((millis () - debug_start) <= 5000)) ; Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("File Test!"); tft.begin(); tft.setRotation(3); // tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_RED); tft.fillScreen(ST7796S_RED);
if (!SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation failed!"); while (1) yield(); // Stay here twiddling thumbs waiting } SPIFFSInited = true; Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation success!"); }
void loop(){ if(SPIFFSInited){
if(imageIndex > 45){
imageIndex = 0;
Serial.println(" if(imageIndex > 45)");
String fileIndex = "/0";
if(imageIndex < 10){
fileIndex += "0" + String(imageIndex);
Serial.println(" if(imageIndex > 10)");
fileIndex += "" + String(imageIndex);
Serial.println(" if(imageIndex < 10)");
fileIndex += ".jpg";
Serial.println("fileIndex : " + fileIndex);
drawFSJpeg(fileIndex.c_str(), 0, 0);
} }
// ///==================================================================================== // This sketch contains support functions to render the Jpeg images. // // Created by Bodmer 15th Jan 2017 // ==================================================================================/ // //// Return the minimum of two values a and b //#define minimum(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) // ////==================================================================================== //// This function opens the Filing System Jpeg image file and primes the decoder ////==================================================================================== void drawFSJpeg(const char *filename, int xpos, int ypos) {
Serial.println("====================================="); Serial.print("Drawing file: "); Serial.println(filename); Serial.println("=====================================");
// Open the file (the Jpeg decoder library will close it) fs::File jpgFile = filename, "r"); // File handle reference for SPIFFS // File jpgFile = filename, FILE_READ); // or, file handle reference for SD library
if ( !jpgFile ) { Serial.print("ERROR: File \""); Serial.print(filename); Serial.println ("\" not found!"); return; }
// To initialise the decoder and provide the file, we can use one of the three following methods: //boolean decoded = JpegDec.decodeFsFile(jpgFile); // We can pass the SPIFFS file handle to the decoder, //boolean decoded = JpegDec.decodeSdFile(jpgFile); // or we can pass the SD file handle to the decoder, boolean decoded = JpegDec.decodeFsFile(filename); // or we can pass the filename (leading / distinguishes SPIFFS files) // The filename can be a String or character array if (decoded) { // print information about the image to the serial port jpegInfo();
// render the image onto the screen at given coordinates
jpegRender(xpos, ypos);
} else { Serial.println("Jpeg file format not supported!"); } } // ////==================================================================================== //// Decode and paint onto the TFT screen ////==================================================================================== void jpegRender(int xpos, int ypos) {
// retrieve infomration about the image uint16_t *pImg; uint16_t mcu_w = JpegDec.MCUWidth; uint16_t mcu_h = JpegDec.MCUHeight; uint32_t max_x = JpegDec.width; uint32_t max_y = JpegDec.height;
// Jpeg images are draw as a set of image block (tiles) called Minimum Coding Units (MCUs) // Typically these MCUs are 16x16 pixel blocks // Determine the width and height of the right and bottom edge image blocks uint32_t min_w = minimum(mcu_w, max_x % mcu_w); uint32_t min_h = minimum(mcu_h, max_y % mcu_h);
// save the current image block size uint32_t win_w = mcu_w; uint32_t win_h = mcu_h;
// record the current time so we can measure how long it takes to draw an image uint32_t drawTime = millis();
// save the coordinate of the right and bottom edges to assist image cropping // to the screen size max_x += xpos; max_y += ypos;
// read each MCU block until there are no more while ( {
// save a pointer to the image block
pImg = JpegDec.pImage;
// calculate where the image block should be drawn on the screen
int mcu_x = JpegDec.MCUx * mcu_w + xpos;
int mcu_y = JpegDec.MCUy * mcu_h + ypos;
// check if the image block size needs to be changed for the right edge
if (mcu_x + mcu_w <= max_x) win_w = mcu_w;
else win_w = min_w;
// check if the image block size needs to be changed for the bottom edge
if (mcu_y + mcu_h <= max_y) win_h = mcu_h;
else win_h = min_h;
// copy pixels into a contiguous block
if (win_w != mcu_w)
for (int h = 1; h < win_h-1; h++)
memcpy(pImg + h * win_w, pImg + (h + 1) * mcu_w, win_w << 1);
// draw image MCU block only if it will fit on the screen
if ( ( mcu_x + win_w) <= tft.width() && ( mcu_y + win_h) <= tft.height())
tft.drawRGBBitmap(mcu_x, mcu_y, pImg, win_w, win_h);
// Stop drawing blocks if the bottom of the screen has been reached,
// the abort function will close the file
else if ( ( mcu_y + win_h) >= tft.height()) JpegDec.abort();
// calculate how long it took to draw the image drawTime = millis() - drawTime;
// print the results to the serial port Serial.print ("Total render time was : "); Serial.print(drawTime); Serial.println(" ms"); Serial.println("=====================================");
} // ////==================================================================================== //// Send time taken to Serial port ////==================================================================================== void jpegInfo() { Serial.println(F("===============")); Serial.println(F("JPEG image info")); Serial.println(F("===============")); Serial.print(F( "Width :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.width); Serial.print(F( "Height :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.height); Serial.print(F( "Components :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.comps); Serial.print(F( "MCU / row :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUSPerRow); Serial.print(F( "MCU / col :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUSPerCol); Serial.print(F( "Scan type :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.scanType); Serial.print(F( "MCU width :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUWidth); Serial.print(F( "MCU height :")); Serial.println(JpegDec.MCUHeight); Serial.println(F("===============")); }
//==================================================================================== // Open a Jpeg file and dump it to the Serial port as a C array //==================================================================================== void createArray(const char *filename) {
fs::File jpgFile; // File handle reference for SPIFFS // File jpgFile; // File handle reference For SD library
if ( !( jpgFile = filename, "r"))) { Serial.println(F("JPEG file not found")); return; }
uint8_t data; byte line_len = 0; Serial.println("// Generated by a JPEGDecoder library example sketch:"); Serial.println("//"); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("#if defined(AVR)"); Serial.println(" #include <avr/pgmspace.h>"); Serial.println("#endif"); Serial.println(""); Serial.print("const uint8_t "); while (filename != '.') Serial.print(filename++); Serial.println("[] PROGMEM = {"); // PROGMEM added for AVR processors, it is ignored by Due
while ( jpgFile.available()) {
data =;
Serial.print("0x"); if (abs(data) < 16) Serial.print("0");
Serial.print(data, HEX); Serial.print(",");// Add value and comma
if ( line_len >= 32) {
line_len = 0;
Serial.println("};\r\n"); // 0, SeekEnd); jpgFile.close(); } ////====================================================================================
Thank you for all to see, I have sovled this problem. I think my ESP32 and another things maybe have conflict with LittleFS. So my solution is that: Replacing all the keyword of "LittleFS" to "SPIFFS in the main code. Example: fs::File jpgFile = filename, "r"); ----> fs::File jpgFile = filename, "r"); Moverover, I aslo changed all the command like above in JPEGDecoder.cpp and hide the command #include LittleFS.h. So, that all my solution, after alterning it work well, but the speed to read and decoder Jpeg image is few slow. If you have any other solution. Please give a comment below for everyone.
SPIFFS is being deprecated. I suggest that LittleFS is used.
Bodmer, your libraries have been invaluable to a great many people, thanks very much.
I also ran across this problem and understand that LittleFS is the preferred file system. All good but how to make that conversion is not very easy to find. Might I suggest that you provide a description?
I changed all the SPIFFS reference to LittleFS but that still did not work. I went into the JPEGDecoder.h file and commented out the #define SPIFFS LittleFS line. I have my test code working but I am not sure this is the right way to resolve this issue. Is this all that is needed?
I am trying to follow this tutorial to show Jped Image wih JPEGDecoder: I get the following error:
clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0030,len:1184 load:0x40078000,len:13260 load:0x40080400,len:3028 entry 0x400805e4 File Test! INIT! E (941) esp_littlefs: ./components/esp_littlefs/src/littlefs/lfs.c:1225:error: Corrupted dir pair at {0x0, 0x1} E (941) esp_littlefs: mount failed, (-84) E (944) esp_littlefs: Failed to initialize LittleFS
Can someone please tell me what I need to do to fix this?