Bodmer / TFT_HX8357

Arduino library for HX8357 TFT display
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New Function - drawLeftString #13

Closed erkanokman-zz closed 6 years ago

erkanokman-zz commented 6 years ago

----- Keywords.txt ----- drawLeftString KEYWORD2

----- TFT_HX8357.h ----- drawLeftString(char *string, int16_t dX, int16_t poY, int16_t font),

----- TFT_HX8357.cpp ----- / Function name: drawLeftString Descriptions: draw string left justified to dX / int16_t TFT_HX8357::drawLeftString(char *string, int16_t dX, int16_t poY, int16_t font) { byte tempdatum = textdatum; int16_t sumX = 0; textdatum = TL_DATUM; sumX = drawString(string, dX, poY, font); textdatum = tempdatum; return sumX; }

Bodmer commented 6 years ago

Using Right and Centre String are deprecated approaches. The formatting is now dictated by setTextDatum() see examples. By default the drawString function is left justified.