Bodmer / TFT_HX8357

Arduino library for HX8357 TFT display
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HX8357C on an ESP32 #20

Closed holgerlembke closed 5 years ago

holgerlembke commented 6 years ago


I have one of those HX8357C 480x320 16-bit-parallel TFT displays marked as HX8357C that are Mega2560 compatible.

As far as I see, there seems no way to connect them to a ESP32. Right?

Any chance to shift out the 16 bit data via two 74x595?

I have no clue about driving tft displays...


Bodmer commented 5 years ago

In principle using shift registers is possible and this is the approach that is used in some RPi displays. I have adapted the TFT_eSPI library to handle 8 bit displays but the HX8357C is not a supported display.