Bodmer / TFT_ILI9341

A fast Arduino IDE compatible graphics and fonts library including a driver for the ILI9341 based TFT displays.
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New fonts? #13

Open turtiustrek opened 6 years ago

turtiustrek commented 6 years ago

Hi Thanks for this amazing library but the one thing this library is lacking on custom fonts. i have tried the adafruit font generator but no avail. and Some tools from the UTFT library and still no luck. Any help would be great

Bodmer commented 6 years ago

Hi, as you surmised this library does not support custom fonts at the moment. This is for historical reasons that you can read about here. Later Adafruit added fonts to the library but they are very slow to render and so I did not add them. In later libraries for the faster parallel displays I found rendering speed became acceeptable so I added them.

My favourite Arduino IDE compatible processor is now the ESP8266 so all my recent development work is centred on the library here, which allows custom fonts to be added.

I will add your request for custom fonts to my "to do" list but I do not have much spare time at the moment.

turtiustrek commented 6 years ago

Hmmm, So the Parallel 8 bit displays are faster then the SPI? from my raspberry pi/arm knowledge that was false. i have tonnes of those displays but only one with suitable driver works (ILI9488). and ESP8266??? i mean those don't even have more then 2 GPIOS well the -01's but still i mean i got dozen of those too laying around with no use (the 01's not the 12E)

And thanks for adding my request in your "to do" list :) Greatly Appreciated! // my English is not that great.