Bodmer / TFT_ILI9341

A fast Arduino IDE compatible graphics and fonts library including a driver for the ILI9341 based TFT displays.
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ATmega128 not supported ? #20

Open Greece2 opened 3 years ago

Greece2 commented 3 years ago

As the lib is using the hardware-SPI, it seems it is not working with the ATmega128. The SPI-pins are: MOSI : PB2 -> 10 MISO: PB3 -> 11 SCK: PB1 -> 9 SS: PB0 -> 8

Any chance to integrate that into the lib? Or can one use the "User_Setup.h" to define these pins? Or the "fast_pin.h" ?

Best regards and thanks for the support !

Here part of the compiler's output:

\libraries\TFT_ILI9341-master/TFT_FastPin.h:479:2: warning: #warning "No pin/port mappings found, pin access will be slightly slower. See fastpin.h for info." [-Wcpp]

warning "No pin/port mappings found, pin access will be slightly slower. See fastpin.h for info."

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

I suspect you are right in that the fast pin macros do not support that processor.

Greece2 commented 3 years ago

Could that be fixed? The Mega64, 1281, 2561 have the same pinout. Thanks !

Greece2 commented 3 years ago

No chance at all ?
The lib is such a great tool ! Well, would be ...

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

The library uses fastpin, this template library is from FastLED

I do not know what changes would be needed but it could be that the FastLED library has been updated to include the ATmega128?

Greece2 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, I'll check that out.

Have a good time and stay safe !

aliihsanhavan commented 3 years ago

@Greece2 if you are using megacore, add below section to TFT_Fastpin.h file and you are good to go.
