Bodmer / TFT_eFEX

A support library for TFT_eSPI that adds commonly used extra functions
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Rotation error when jpeg files are shown #38

Open highno opened 2 years ago

highno commented 2 years ago

There is a bug within TFT_eFEX,cpp in line 1289. The AddressWindow is calculated wrong whenever the rotation of the screen is set differently (other than 0). This may be an Error to the AddressWindow function itself which does not mind rotation, I am not sure. If rotation is set to 1, my display shows a distracted image of correctly oriented 8x8 blocks. I got correct results by exchanging x and y components, my line (for rotation 1) reads: jpeg->tft->setAddrWindow(y - jpeg->offY + jpeg->y, x - jpeg->offX + jpeg->x + oL, h, w - (oL + oR));

I have not yet fixed the bug for any rotation because I am not sure how to access the actual rotation and where this bug really needs to be fixed. Any suggestions?