ESP32 dev module with ILI9341 display connected to hardware SPI.
When trying to display a SPIFFS jpg image which is 320x240 landscape orientation the image displays 240x240 with a block of background colour filling the rest of the screen.
It would appear that even though the correct display is selected and set up correctly the image is only displayed to a width of 240px. Portrait orientation is correct and displays fine.
ESP32 dev module with ILI9341 display connected to hardware SPI.
When trying to display a SPIFFS jpg image which is 320x240 landscape orientation the image displays 240x240 with a block of background colour filling the rest of the screen.
I've modified the example sketch like this:
void loop() { tft.fillScreen(random(0xFFFF)); tft.setRotation(1); fex.drawJpgFile(SPIFFS, "/image.jpg", 0, 0); }
It would appear that even though the correct display is selected and set up correctly the image is only displayed to a width of 240px. Portrait orientation is correct and displays fine.