Bodmer / TFT_eSPI

Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
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LILYGO® TTGO T-Display ESP32 CP2104 WiFi bluetooth Module Touch Screen Compiler problem #430

Closed Bushedo closed 4 years ago

Bushedo commented 5 years ago

Have been unable to get the touch screen to work with the Bodmer library although all other display code seems to work as intended. Keep getting "class TFT_eSPI has no member named getTouch". Have a Touch_CS line specified in the setup file, and moved the touch.h and .cpp files into main directory, but no luck. Can you offer any suggestions/help? Trying to run the example sketches, but none of touch screen items will compile. In User_Setup_Select: #include <User_Setups/TTGO_T_Display.h> In User_Setup:

define ST7789_DRIVER



define TFT_WIDTH 135

define TFT_HEIGHT 240

define TFT_MOSI 19

define TFT_SCLK 18

define TFT_CS 5 // Chip select control pin

define TFT_DC 16 // Data Command control pin

define TFT_RST 2 // Reset pin (could connect to RST pin)

define TFT_RST -1 // Set TFT_RST to -1 if display RESET is connected to ESP32 board RST

define TFT_BL 14 // LED back-light (only for ST7789 with backlight control pin)

define TOUCH_CS 21 // Chip select pin (T_CS) of touch screen (NOT SURE THIS IS CORRECT

                                     PIN, BUT DON'T THINK COMPILER WOULD KNOW THE DIFFERENCE)
Bushedo commented 5 years ago

Well, it has been suggested that this device doesn't have a touch screen. Not sure what gave me the impression it did. Wasted a lot of time. That would explain why I couldn't identify a chip to manage the touch screen on the schematic. Thanks anyway.

BirdAPI commented 5 years ago

@Bushedo I think your confusion probably comes from their pinout image. The touch pins are actually referring to the ESP32's native capacitive touch sensors.

Here is a random tutorial online about them

Bushedo commented 5 years ago

BirdAPI, You may be right or I saw a post from someone with a different board that had a touch screen. Thanks.

Bodmer commented 4 years ago

The library only compiles in the touch support routines if TOUCH_CS is defined, make sure you have included it in the right setup file. Only one setup file should be called up.

As you found the T Display does not have a touch screen.