Bodmer / TJpg_Decoder

Jpeg decoder library based on Tiny JPEG Decompressor
227 stars 43 forks source link

JPG from SPIFFS not completely rendered on TFT. #20

Closed bmarcu13 closed 3 years ago

bmarcu13 commented 3 years ago

Hi, The JPGs I try to render on the TFT Display (ILI4340/ILI9341) do not render completely. Screenshot for reference: screenshot

The image I used for the test is the panda.jpg image from your library.

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

Look at the serial output and see if the processor is crashing.

It looks like you are not running one of the examples. Do the unchanged examples work?

Post a complete copy of you sketch that demonstates the problem.

Describe your setup:

. Processor: ESP32 or ESP8266 or other? . Arduino IDE version . Graphics library you are using, TFT_eSPI? . TJpg_Decoder library version

bmarcu13 commented 3 years ago

Here is my complete sketch:

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
#include <Firebase_ESP_Client.h>

#include <FS.h>

#include <TJpg_Decoder.h>
#include <TFT_eSPI.h>
#include "SPI.h"

TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();

//WiFi credentials
#define WIFIPassword "XXXXXXX"

#define FIREBASE_HOST ""


FirebaseData fbdo;
FirebaseAuth auth;
FirebaseConfig config;

int ok = 0;

bool tft_output(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t* bitmap)
   // Stop further decoding as image is running off bottom of screen
  if ( y >= tft.height() ) return 0;
  Serial.println(tft.height() + " | " + y);
  // This function will clip the image block rendering automatically at the TFT boundaries
  tft.pushImage(x, y, w, h, bitmap);

  // This might work instead if you adapt the sketch to use the Adafruit_GFX library
  // tft.drawRGBBitmap(x, y, bitmap, w, h);

  // Return 1 to decode next block
  return 1;

void setup() {

  if (!SPIFFS.begin()) {
    Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation failed!");
    while (1) yield(); // Stay here twiddling thumbs waiting
  Serial.println("\r\nSPIFFS initialised.");



  WiFi.begin(WIFISSID, WIFIPassword);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
  config.signer.tokens.legacy_token = FIREBASE_AUTH;

  Firebase.begin(&config, &auth);
  fbdo.setBSSLBufferSize(1024, 1024);


void loop() {
  if (ok == 0) {
     if (, STORAGE_BUCKET_ID, "test.jpg", "/test.jpg", mem_storage_type_flash))
        ok = 1;
        Serial.println("REASON: " + fbdo.errorReason());
    else if(ok == 1){
        // Time recorded for test purposes
    uint32_t t = millis();

    // Get the width and height in pixels of the jpeg if you wish
    uint16_t w = 0, h = 0;
    TJpgDec.getFsJpgSize(&w, &h, "/test.jpg"); // Note name preceded with "/"
    Serial.print("Width = "); Serial.print(w); Serial.print(", height = "); Serial.println(h);

    // Draw the image, top left at 0,0
    TJpgDec.drawFsJpg(0, 0, "/test.jpg");

    // How much time did rendering take (ESP8266 80MHz 271ms, 160MHz 157ms, ESP32 SPI 120ms, 8bit parallel 105ms
    t = millis() - t;
    Serial.print(t); Serial.println(" ms");

    ok = 2;

On the serial monitor I get:

23:36:17.951 -> ....FAILED
23:36:21.041 -> REASON: connection lost
23:36:21.075 -> ------------------------------------
23:36:21.075 -> 
23:36:21.075 -> 0
23:36:26.095 -> FAILED
23:36:26.095 -> REASON: connection lost
23:36:26.128 -> ------------------------------------
23:36:26.128 -> 
23:36:26.128 -> 0
23:36:31.179 -> FAILED
23:36:31.179 -> REASON: connection lost
23:36:31.212 -> ------------------------------------
23:36:31.212 -> 
23:36:31.212 -> 0
23:36:38.516 -> PASSED
23:36:38.516 -> ------------------------------------
23:36:38.516 -> 
23:36:38.516 -> 1
23:36:43.519 -> Width = 240, height = 320
23:36:43.519 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.553 -> N: 
23:36:43.586 -> N: 
23:36:43.586 -> N: 
23:36:43.586 -> N: 
23:36:43.586 -> N: 
23:36:43.586 -> N: 
23:36:43.586 -> N: 
23:36:43.620 -> N: 
23:36:43.620 -> eight = 
23:36:43.620 -> eight = 
23:36:43.620 -> eight = 
23:36:43.655 -> eight = 
23:36:43.655 -> eight = 
23:36:43.655 -> 28 ms
23:36:43.655 -> 2

My Setup: ESP8266 w/ ILI8340/8341 I am using TFT_eSPI Arduino 1.8.13 TJpg_Decoder v0.0.3

Also, when running the Web_Jpg sketch I simply get an empty black_screen and the Serial prints out this:

23:47:35.461 -> 
23:47:35.461 -> Listing SPIFFS files:
23:47:35.461 -> =================================================
23:47:35.528 ->   File name                              Size
23:47:35.562 -> =================================================
23:47:35.631 -> /heart1.bmp                             997 bytes
23:47:35.665 -> /picture.bmp                            990 bytes
23:47:35.698 -> /test.bmp                               995 bytes
23:47:35.765 -> /test.jpg                               996 bytes
23:47:35.799 -> =================================================
23:47:35.866 -> 
23:47:36.814 -> Downloading /M81.jpg from
23:47:36.848 -> [HTTP] begin...
23:47:36.882 -> [HTTP] GET...
23:47:36.983 -> [HTTP] GET... code: 301
23:47:36.983 -> 236 ms to download
23:47:37.018 -> 
23:47:37.018 -> Listing SPIFFS files:
23:47:37.052 -> =================================================
23:47:37.085 ->   File name                              Size
23:47:37.152 -> =================================================
23:47:37.186 -> /heart1.bmp                             997 bytes
23:47:37.255 -> /picture.bmp                            990 bytes
23:47:37.322 -> /test.bmp                               995 bytes
23:47:37.356 -> /test.jpg                               996 bytes
23:47:37.424 -> /M81.jpg                                  0 bytes
23:47:37.457 -> =================================================
23:47:37.526 -> 
23:47:38.404 -> 14 ms to draw to TFT
Bodmer commented 3 years ago

Re. Web_Jpg, the [HTTP] GET... code: 301 means the link has moved, I think imgur has now redirected the link to a secure https server so it fails (http no longer works). The sketch expects a non-secure http link, I will investigate and fix this.

I will look at your other sketch, however this seems to be a link connection issue rather than a problem with the TFT_eSPI or TJpg_Decoder library. With all the XXXX's I will not be able to test.

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

I thought I fixed the Web_Jpg issue in #14 but maybe not...

bmarcu13 commented 3 years ago

Re. Web_Jpg, the [HTTP] GET... code: 301 means the link has moved, I think imgur has now redirected the link to a secure https server so it fails (http no longer works). The sketch expects a non-secure http link, I will investigate and fix this.

I will look at your other sketch, however this seems to be a link connection issue rather than a problem with the TFT_eSPI or TJpg_Decoder library. With all the XXXX's I will not be able to test.

So basically, you're saying that the image being partially loaded on the TFT display if caused by the .jpg file I download from Firebase being corrupted?

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

I have corrected a typo in the example here. Although the sketch worked with the typo and afterwards too on my ESP8266 setup. I am using the ESP8266 version 2.7.4 of the board paackage, I have not tested with earlier versions, which version do you use?

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

I would get rid of the print statement in the tft_output function. That appears to be printing garbage.

bmarcu13 commented 3 years ago

It appears that now the example (Web_Jpg) is loading correctly, but my sketch is still not working properly (still loads only a part of the image).

Further tests suggest that the Firebase library I use for downloading and storing the file is somehow corrupting the file upon download. When I used the raw image url from my Firebase in your Web_Jpg sketch, it loaded successfully.

Bodmer commented 3 years ago

OK, the issue is with the Firebase_ESP_Client, so I am unable to help.

MokhammadDaniyal commented 2 years ago

Hello @bmarcu13 ! Were you able to solve your issue? I am experiencing the same problem but I am running the example Web sketch unchanged.

Bodmer commented 2 years ago

See #35