Bodmer / TJpg_Decoder

Jpeg decoder library based on Tiny JPEG Decompressor
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Error Code 3 = JDR_MEM1 #70

Closed fah closed 11 months ago

fah commented 11 months ago

I get an Error Code 3 = JDR_MEM1, / 3: Insufficient memory pool for the image /

My code is:

uint16_t w = 0, h = 0;
JRESULT resSize = TJpgDec.getFsJpgSize(&w, &h, temp_filename); 
if (resSize== JDR_OK) {
   ESP_LOGV(TAG,"Width = %i , height = %i \n",w,h);
} else {
   ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Size Error: %i\n", resSize);

JRESULT resDraw = TJpgDec.drawFsJpg(0, 0, temp_filename);
if (resDraw== JDR_OK) {
   ESP_LOGV(TAG,"JPEG drawn\n");
} else {
   ESP_LOGE(TAG,"Draw Error: %i\n", resDraw);


Size Error: 3
Draw Error: 3

I checked that the file "temp_filename" in SPIFFS is valid with the FSWebbrowser example.

Size of the File is 12148 Bytes.

Dimensions: 704 x 576, 72 Pixel/Inch,Color model: RGB JFIF: 1.0.1, Density 1/1, ColorSync: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

First Hex values of the file: FFD8FFE0 00104A46 49460001

Controller is a LILYGO TTGO T5-4.7 Inch E-paper ESP32 S3 with 8MB

The code, executed right before TJpgDec.getFsJpgSize() and TJpgDec.drawFsJpg(), :

ESP_LOGI(TAG, "RAM left: %d", esp_get_free_heap_size());
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "task stack: %d", uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Heap: Free: %i, Min: %i, Size: %i, Alloc: %i", ESP.getFreeHeap(), ESP.getMinFreeHeap(), ESP.getHeapSize(), ESP.getMaxAllocHeap());


RAM left: 8290103
task stack: 5324
Heap: Free: 206380, Min: 202340, Size: 339580, Alloc: 196596

I am looking for a solution to display this image in 16 colors as greyscale on the above-mentioned e-paper display. As far as I can tell, the size of the image is too large for the ESP. So a first step could be to reduce the 24-bit colours to 4-bit greyscale? Could I do that with another package that is compatible with yours?

Bodmer commented 11 months ago

The library can decode large jpgs so I suspect there is something about the image file that casues a problem. Can you post the roguw image as a zip file here?

Bodmer commented 11 months ago

Maybe if the image output is greyscale, this bug is the problem?

Bodmer commented 11 months ago

I have added the above patch.

fah commented 11 months ago

Dear Bodmer,

thank you for the premium support. :-)

I have applied the patch, but error 3 still persists. Please find attached a tested zip jpeg file that causes this error.


Bodmer commented 11 months ago

It appears the image format is not compatible with the TJpg_Decoder library decoder engine. Since I did not write the core decoder I am not able to identify the root cause.

The image also crashes this library which uses a different decode engine!

The decoder library here uses another decode engine and works with the troublesome image, so that would be a good option in this case.

Example use of JPEGDEC with TFT_eSPI:

fah commented 11 months ago

You are the best! Thank you very much!