Bodo-inc / denali

An open-source, community-driven REST catalog for Apache Iceberg!
Apache License 2.0
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Support MySQL Database Backend #7

Open srilman opened 1 week ago

srilman commented 1 week ago

The database backends are all based on SQL queries "compiled" using SQLC to Go code. So it shouldn't be too difficult to add another support for MySQL on top of Postgres and SQLite. Would anyone be interested in this? I ask because the purpose of the current backends are:

MySQL would be an alternative to Postgres, but is it as popular? Are there popular database services based on MySQL? For example, Planetscale is one (

derekperkins commented 1 week ago

Very interested

srilman commented 1 week ago

Sounds good, can I ask what the situation is that needs or prefers MySQL? Just curious to learn more!

derekperkins commented 1 week ago

We're running Vitess (OSS behind Planetscale), that already has backups, management, etc. We wouldn't add Postgres / SQLite to our infra just for a REST catalog