Bogdanp / django_dramatiq

A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
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TaskAdmin +readonly_fields "created_at", "updated_at"; fix setup name #118

Open ikvk opened 2 years ago

ikvk commented 2 years ago
  1. TaskAdmin +readonly_fields "created_at", "updated_at"
  2. Ignore pycharm files
  3. Let to show "Used by" block at main repo page (, on my own experience):
  4. Try in models.Task.__str__
ikvk commented 1 year ago

"used by" block example:


ikvk commented 2 months ago

Dear @amureki , is project support are stopped/dead?

amureki commented 2 months ago

Dear @amureki , is project support are stopped/dead?

hey @ikvk ! The actual status of the project is explained here:

It remains minimally maintained, as continuous support of upcoming Python and Django versions, but the reviews are limited (as I'm sadly struggling with finding the time and strength for it).

We are still grateful for the interest and opened PRs, I'll try to deal with them, but please do not expect instant feedback 😅.

ikvk commented 2 months ago

Also I suggest to implement white and black lists: DJANGO_DRAMATIQ_TASKS_NOT_WRITES = ['task_name',] DJANGO_DRAMATIQ_TASKS_WRITES_ONLY = ['task_name',] In TaskManager.create_or_update_from_message by "if not: return None" It is really useful on practice.

Do you agree to this?

I cat put it here or at next MR.

amureki commented 2 months ago

Also I suggest to implement white and black lists: DJANGO_DRAMATIQ_TASKS_NOT_WRITES = ['task_name',] DJANGO_DRAMATIQ_TASKS_WRITES_ONLY = ['task_name',] In TaskManager.create_or_update_from_message by "if not: return None" It is really useful on practice.

Do you agree to this?

I cat put it here or at next MR.

I'd suggest opening an issue here with a bit more details, as from this description I am not sure, I did follow what exactly you are proposing here. Does this mean you want to stop certain tasks from being stored in the admin interface? Any way, let's proceed in a new issue regarding this topic.