Bogdanp / django_dramatiq

A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
331 stars 76 forks source link

[ann] Maintainer wanted #122

Open Bogdanp opened 2 years ago

Bogdanp commented 2 years ago

I'm very out of the loop when it comes to Django development, so this project could really use some love from someone who uses both Dramatiq and Django a lot. Please reach out to me or leave a comment here if you're interested in taking over maintainership of this project. For security reasons, I will still be reviewing changes and manually uploading releases for a while after/if someone steps up.

andrewgy8 commented 1 year ago

Sounds interesting. How do you want us to reach out? Email?

Bogdanp commented 1 year ago

@andrewgy8 yup, e-mail is fine.

Bogdanp commented 1 year ago

@amureki has stepped up as maintainer so I'm closing this for now. That said, if anybody else feels like offering a hand, I'm sure @amureki would appreciate the help so feel free to reach out to me or him via e-mail.

amureki commented 5 months ago

So, I have to open up this issue again. :)

Currently, I lack focus time to be able to actively check on the issues and support people. My current offering - to continue with the minimum maintenance of the project:

However, I'd be happy if someone would be able to step up and help with a bit more active development.

SHxKM commented 5 months ago

@Bogdanp do you still plan to maintain dramatiq for the forseeable future? If so, can I run it completely standalone from Django and how complicated that would be? I made the switch from Celery just before coming across this but using an unmaintained library is risky.