Bogdanp / django_dramatiq

A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
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RuntimeError: Watching for source changes is not supported on win32. #140

Closed zfei closed 1 year ago

zfei commented 1 year ago

Trying out the hello world example on windows. With the --watch flag on, got RuntimeError: Watching for source changes is not supported on win32.

I suppose watchdog supports windows? Not sure what's wrong here.

pip list:

Package           Version
----------------- -------
cffi              1.15.1
dramatiq          1.13.0
gevent            22.10.2
greenlet          2.0.1
pika              1.3.1
pip               22.3.1
prometheus-client 0.15.0
pycparser         2.21
setuptools        65.6.3
watchdog          2.2.1
watchdog-gevent   0.1.1
wheel             0.38.4
zope.event        4.6
zope.interface    5.5.2