Bogdanp / django_dramatiq

A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
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Is there a way of deleting one queued task? #24

Closed patillacode closed 5 years ago

patillacode commented 5 years ago

I have checked other issues and removing all tasks could be done as you mentioned here

But what if we need to just cancel.delete just one task? For what I have read in the docs and other issues raised I guess there is no built-in way to do this.

But I am not sure of how to even do it manually via redis-cli since I don't quite understand how dramatiq stores/handles this. I can get all hashes via HGETALL "dramatiq:default.DQ.msgs":> HGETALL "dramatiq:default.DQ.msgs"
1) "8e63306e-a81f-436d-b7b2-a77a6f7d6c03"
2) "{\"queue_name\":\"default.DQ\",\"actor_name\":\"send_sms_reminder\",\"args\":[26],\"kwargs\":{},\"options\":{\"redis_message_id\":\"8e63306e-a81f-436d-b7b2-a77a6f7d6c03\",\"eta\":1544014799473},\"message_id\":\"e7861134-bd8e-4586-bc4c-86df1de07891\",\"message_timestamp\":1544012227473}"
3) "69d53168-5a51-4d37-af5f-083cc5ffc18b"
4) "{\"queue_name\":\"default.DQ\",\"actor_name\":\"send_sms_reminder\",\"args\":[27],\"kwargs\":{},\"options\":{\"redis_message_id\":\"69d53168-5a51-4d37-af5f-083cc5ffc18b\",\"eta\":1544015099501},\"message_id\":\"7d4c4407-aac4-4180-8e56-853d79dc0909\",\"message_timestamp\":1544012773501}"

But I also see data in the dramatiq:__acks__.95ea30c4-96c6-4b32-9f77-add0fc3ff722.default.DQ key that points to the hashed values:> SMEMBERS dramatiq:__acks__.95ea30c4-96c6-4b32-9f77-add0fc3ff722.default.DQ
1) "8e63306e-a81f-436d-b7b2-a77a6f7d6c03"
2) "69d53168-5a51-4d37-af5f-083cc5ffc18b"

Do you have any input on how to delete one task before it triggers? Should I remove in both queues?

Thanks for this great project.

Bogdanp commented 5 years ago

All the storage logic for the Redis broker is defined in so that may help.

The answer is, essentially, "it depends". Once the message has been pulled by the worker, you can no longer prevent it from running w/o adding some custom middleware specifically for this.

I would implement this as a custom lua script like this:

local n ="lrem", "dramatiq:default", "some-message-id")

-- If at least one message was removed from the queue, then we're guaranteed that no worker has pulled it yet.
if n > 0 then"hdel", "dramatiq:default.msgs", "some-message-id")

Replace dramatiq: with your namespace and default with your queue name.

The .DQ suffix is used by delay queues. Every queue in dramatiq is actually stored as two separate queues: one for normal messages and one for messages with a delay (i.e. ones that should run some number of seconds in the future).

Hope that helps!

patillacode commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer @Bogdanp

I ended up manually removing it in a couple of lines:

redis_client = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
redis_client.hdel("dramatiq:default.DQ.msgs", "message_id")

It feels a bit overkill to have a middleware just for this. Have you thought about adding this as a built-in function?

Thanks again.

Bogdanp commented 5 years ago

The way you're doing it there could cause a crash. You should only remove the message data (i.e. the stuff in *.msgs if you were able to successfully remove the message from the queue (i.e. the lrem call in my code above).

Have you thought about adding this as a built-in function?

Dramatiq's primary broker is RabbitMQ (what I personally use it with) and it doesn't support message removal so even though I agree that this might sometimes be useful, it's just not something that can be supported with RMQ w/o jumping through some crazy hoops.

cchacholiades commented 3 years ago

I know this is an old issue, but I am just now having to deal with it. @Bogdanp, @patillacode based on your replies on here, I created a cancel_task() definition by doing the following:

# cancel a dramatiq task
redis_client = redis.Redis(host=settings.REDIS_LOCAL, port=6379, db=0)
n = redis_client.lrem("dramatiq:default.DQ", 1, task_id)
if n > 0:
    redis_client.hdel("dramatiq:default.DQ.msgs", task_id)

Would this cause a crash?

Bogdanp commented 3 years ago

@cchacholiades You should use lua to perform the two operations, otherwise you risk some other process modifying the data in between.