Bogdanp / django_dramatiq

A Django app that integrates with Dramatiq.
347 stars 77 forks source link

missed migration #60

Closed horpto closed 4 years ago

horpto commented 4 years ago

After I've bumped django_dramatiq version up to 0.9.0 v. I've been getting error from makemigrations --check tool.

--- Check migrations ---
Migrations for 'django_dramatiq':
    - Change managers on task
    - Alter field status on task
codingjoe commented 4 years ago

Yes, I can confirm that the migration is missing.

After a quick look at the repo, the code isn't only missing from the PyPi distribution, but also from the repository. Therefore, I assume someone simply forgot to create it (happens to me all the time).

I'd recommend not only adding the migration but also adding a check to prevent this from happening in the future. A simple python makemigrations --check --dry-run should suffice.

Bogdanp commented 4 years ago

Thanks! This should be fixed in 0.9.1.

codingjoe commented 4 years ago

Thanks, awesome package btw. Everything that bothered me about celery done right.