Open priyanshu-mayank-tech opened 1 year ago
Can you show a minimal reproducible example? Make sure you're not overriding the default middlewares, or if that's intended, add Pipelines
middleware manually.
Can you show a minimal reproducible example? Make sure you're not overriding the default middlewares, or if that's intended, add
middleware manually.
@synweap15 - Following is the code for your reference:
from dramatiq.middleware import Pipelines
from dramatiq.composition import pipeline
from dramatiq.brokers.rabbitmq import RabbitmqBroker
from dramatiq.middleware.retries import Retries
from dramatiq.results import Results
from dramatiq.results.backends import RedisBackend
from redis import Redis
result_backend = RedisBackend(client=Redis(host="redis", port=6379))
host = "rabbitmq"
port = 5672
user = "guest"
password = "guest"
rabbit_url = f"amqp://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}"
broker = RabbitmqBroker(
middleware=[Retries(), Results(backend=result_backend), Pipelines()],)
msg = {
"artist_docs": {
"type": "track",
def act_one(message):
artist = "Myself"
message["artist"] = artist
return message
def act_two(received_msg):
sub_artist = "everyone"
received_msg["sub_artist"] = sub_artist
return received_msg
def main():
pipe = pipeline([
], broker=broker).run()
2023-01-10 11:54.16 [error ] Received message for undefined actor 'act_one'. Moving it to the DLQ.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/dramatiq/", line 325, in handle_message
actor =
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/dramatiq/", line 230, in get_actor
raise ActorNotFound(actor_name) from None
dramatiq.errors.ActorNotFound: act_one
After this I tried replacing act_one.message(msg)
with act_one(msg)
only. In that case, I am getting the following error:
AttributeError("'dict' object has no attribute 'options'")
Are the broker definition and actors definitions placed in the same file? If not, you need to start the worker also pointing to the file which contains the actor's definitions:
dramatiq [-h] [--processes PROCESSES] [--threads THREADS] [--path [PATH [PATH ...]]] [--queues [QUEUES [QUEUES ...]]] [--pid-file PID_FILE] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--skip-logging] [--use-spawn] [--fork-function FORKS] [--version] [--verbose] broker [module [module ...]]
So eg. dramatiq broker actors
, assuming you have the broker defined in
and actors in
As you can see from above code, both the actors & broker are defined in the same file.
broker = RabbitmqBroker(
middleware=[Retries(), Results(backend=result_backend), Pipelines()],)
I think
is not working as expected. The output/result of first actor is not getting passed to second actor.Checklist
What OS are you using?
macOS 13.1
What version of Dramatiq are you using?
dramatiq == 1.13.0
What did you do?
I tries to use the
composition.pipeline([actor1.message(input), actor2.message()], broker=broker).run()
What did you expect would happen?
As per documentation, the output result/message from first actor i.e.
should get passed to second actor i.e.actor2
. But that is not happening here.What happened?
But the output of first actor i.e.
is not getting passed to second actor i.e.actor2