Bogdanp / setup-racket

A GH action for installing Racket.
MIT License
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Issue on macos with stxparam-exptime_rkt.zo #4

Closed pmatos closed 4 years ago

pmatos commented 4 years ago

I tried using setup-racket on macos for the first time and I am getting this strange error during my package setup:

open-output-file: cannot open output file
  path: /Applications/Racket/collects/racket/compiled/stxparam-exptime_rkt.zo
  system error: Permission denied; errno=13

Might be unrelated to setup-racket itself but curious to know if you have seen it before. I cannot test this natively as I don't have a macos here so I only see it in actions.

Bogdanp commented 4 years ago

I believe this might be an issue with permissions. What happens if you run raco pkg install ... with sudo?

EDIT: Yeah, the install script uses sudo to copy Racket over to /Applications, so I'm guessing the regular user just doesn't have permission to write to that folder. I should be able to update the script to fix the permissions up, though.

pmatos commented 4 years ago

Ah interesting - didn't know that we even had sudo on macos (complete apple noob here)

Let me give that a go.

Bogdanp commented 4 years ago

I think I've fixed the problem on 0.7. Let me know if pinning setup-racket:v0.7 works without sudo.

pmatos commented 4 years ago

Giving that a go.

pmatos commented 4 years ago

It works - closing.

Thanks for the fast turnaround.

Bogdanp commented 4 years ago

Sweet! Thanks for reporting and for putting loci on my radar. I'm excited to play around with it when it's ready, having run into the limitations of places a few times.