Bogdanp / setup-racket

A GH action for installing Racket.
MIT License
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Alias for one version back from stable #72

Open BNAndras opened 1 year ago

BNAndras commented 1 year ago

We have stable for the latest Racket release but would it be possible to have an alias for the version prior to stable. I have a GHA that runs exercise test solutions against 8.9 and 8.10 currently and I update the versions manually. Having both stable and previous (name not important) means I can always test the current version and one back without manually updating the workflow.

Bogdanp commented 1 year ago

The stable version is currently looked up via . So, I think the best approach is to get that updated to include the version of the prior release and then we can add that to setup-racket as well. Interestingly, there's already a recent pair in the file, but it currently reports the same version as stable (i.e. 8.10).