Bohao-Lee / CME

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How to train on coco #1

Open Retiina opened 3 years ago

Retiina commented 3 years ago

Sir, thanks to share the code of your great work. May I ask how to train on COCO dataset. I can only find the tutorial of VOC. Can you give a tutorial to prepare coco training? Thanks in advance!

Bohao-Lee commented 3 years ago

Because of limited time, we only train our model on COCO dataset with MPSR. Hope this can help you.

Retiina commented 3 years ago

Sir, thanks for you quick reply. Do you mean you apply the method on top of MPSR, but actually I am puzzled how you apply CME to two stage detectors. MPSR is based on FPN which only take one input, but CME needs support branch and query branch. So you equip FPN with an extra support branch and train it with the meta learning pipeline right? Could you tell me the baseline performance of that.

Also I am puzzled about the

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Argmax L_mrg is equivalent to increase intra and decrease inter, but this will lead the margin decrease? Why you say it will increase margin? Could you explain to me. Thanks in advance!

Bohao-Lee commented 3 years ago

For the first question, we use CME to imporve MPSR's classfication, so we use it in refinement branch, not another branch. For the second question, we view margin as inter-class distance as margin. Hope this paper can help u. (

shuangw98 commented 3 years ago

For the first question, we use CME to imporve MPSR's classfication, so we use it in refinement branch, not another branch. For the second question, we view margin as inter-class distance as margin. Hope this paper can help u. (

Sorry, I still don't understand. CME is meta-learning based method, however, MPSR is fine-tuning method without support branch, so how to implement Feature Disturbance while there is no support mask?

Bohao-Lee commented 3 years ago

For the first question, we use CME to imporve MPSR's classfication, so we use it in refinement branch, not another branch. For the second question, we view margin as inter-class distance as margin. Hope this paper can help u. (

Sorry, I still don't understand. CME is meta-learning based method, however, MPSR is fine-tuning method without support branch, so how to implement Feature Disturbance while there is no support mask?

Sorry, we use Feature Disturbance to disturb feature. Because mask reflects object position, we use it. You can disturb corresponding object in image or corresponding feature. Because of limited time, we don't more experiment in it. We'll try to do some research in it.

Wei-i commented 2 years ago

@Bohao-Lee 你好 针对Retina的第二个问题, 我也有疑惑,我想问下为什么margin loss的公式不是 argmin Lmrg? 因为您的论文底下也要提到要 增大类间距离D_inter 减少同类之间距离D_intra 包括你的loss 公式也是 argmin L = Ldet + Lmrg, 这不是和argmax L_mrg矛盾吗? 希望您能赐教。

Bohao-Lee commented 2 years ago

@Bohao-Lee 你好 针对Retina的第二个问题, 我也有疑惑,我想问下为什么margin loss的公式不是 argmin Lmrg? 因为您的论文底下也要提到要 增大类间距离D_inter 减少同类之间距离D_intra 包括你的loss 公式也是 argmin L = Ldet + Lmrg, 这不是和argmax L_mrg矛盾吗? 希望您能赐教。

十分感谢您对我们工作的关注,论文中由于疏忽导致公式错误,这里应该修改为arg min Lmrg,具体实现可以参考代码,对您造成的困惑还请您谅解,十分感谢您的指正。 @Wei-i