Bohao-Lee / CME

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Code of base training. #2

Open Retiina opened 3 years ago

Retiina commented 3 years ago

Sir, would you like to upload the code of base model training? i.e., the code of Class Max-margin

Bohao-Lee commented 3 years ago

I have uploaded the base training in the code.

 python tool/ cfg/fewshot/metayolo_split${split}.data cfg/darknet_dynamic.cfg cfg/reweighting_net_decoupling.cfg darknet19_448.conv.23 backup/split${split}_base

in Hope this can help u.

Retiina commented 3 years ago

@Bohao-Lee Thank you! May I ask where is the implementation of Class Max-margin?

Bohao-Lee commented 3 years ago

You can view it in core/, class RegionLossV3 . Hope this can help u.