Bohdan-Khomtchouk / Biochat

Natural language processing of Gene Expression Omnibus data
MIT License
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"Look only in these library strategies:" panel #9

Open Bohdan-Khomtchouk opened 6 years ago

Bohdan-Khomtchouk commented 6 years ago
screen shot 2018-02-07 at 12 23 55 am

Remove the "SELEX", "WGS", and the empty artifact. Check how many records are in SELEX and WGS first before removing and post this info here (with a date/timestamp when you retrieved these records).

Replace the capitalizations and change to nicely formatted:

"Microarray", "Bisulfite-seq", "ChIP-seq", "RNA-seq", "RIP-seq", "DNase-seq", "ATAC-seq", "miRNA-seq", "MNase-seq", "Tn-seq", "FAIRE-seq", "MeDIP-seq", "ncRNA-seq", "MRE-seq", "MBD-seq", "Hi-C", "ssRNA-seq", "FL-cDNA"

vseloved commented 6 years ago

There are 3 SELEX records, 2 WGS. There's also only a single FL-cDNA, just 2 Tn-seq, and 4 ChIA-PET's. The others are represented more broadly

Bohdan-Khomtchouk commented 6 years ago

On second thought, let's keep everything except for the empty box button, remove that.