Boilevin / AzuritBer

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Add support for backup/restore EEPROM data #2

Closed Latek closed 3 years ago

Latek commented 3 years ago

Did: Tried to backup my settings from EEPROM.

Happened: There's no such option.

Expected: To have a similar option to backup/restore like in the standard Azurit software.

Latek commented 3 years ago

I've tried to move the code responsible for dump/restore EPROM data from Azurit project but failed to get it working.

This is what I've done:

  1. Replaced current flashmem.cpp and flashmem.h content to the one I've found in Azurit project.
  2. Added Console menu options to backup/restore settings.
  3. I was able to backup.
  4. I was not able to restore. While restoring the system is always restarting and does not finish flashing data to EEPROM.
Boilevin commented 3 years ago

I take a look. But if you have raspberry ,it's easier to save and restore using PiArdu.

Boilevin commented 3 years ago


  1. I was not able to restore. While restoring the system is always restarting and does not finish flashing data to EEPROM

AZURITBER use a DUE native hardware watchdog set at 2 secondes, so you need to reset it after each delay(500) or never use something like delay(2001) or DUE reset occur Also write to eeprom take time , so put this watchdogReset(); everywhere code take time to run.

while (Console.available());
delay(500); watchdogReset();
