Open Aaron3154518 opened 3 years ago
Transitive closure using an adjacency matrix:
Transitive-Closure (G)
n = |V|
t(0) = the adjacency matrix for G
// there is always an empty path from a vertex to itself,
// make sure the adjacency matrix reflects this
for i in 1..n do
t(0)[i,i] = True
end for
// step through the t(k)'s
for k in 1..n do
for i in 1..n do
for j in 1..n do
t(k)[i,j] = t(k-1)[i,j] OR
(t(k-1)[i,k] AND t(k-1)[k,j])
end for
end for
end for
return t(n)
With object-oriented graph structure (current structure):
Graph::Transitive-Closure () {
// Edges will be stored in std::forward_lists, which are singly-linked lists
// No need for paths from each node to itself as we are reusing the same graph.
// step through the t(k)'s
// t(k-1)[i,j] maintain for existing edges
// - just leave current edges alone
// (t(k-1)[i,k] AND t(k-1)[k,j]): connect nodes through k
// - just connect IN(k) X OUT(k) where IN(k) and OUT(k) are the set of incoming
// and outgoing nodes for k, respectively
// Worst case time: O(n^3),
foreach stmt:
foreach inStmt in IN(stmt):
foreach outStmt in OUT(stmt):
inStmt->addEdge(outStmt) // Constant time, possible repetition
end for
// Remove repetition
// Worst case time: O(n^3), Worst case writes: O(n^2), Worst case reads: O(n^3)
foreach stmt:
stmt->removeDuplicates() // O(n) time
end for
Node::removeDuplicates() {
bool arr[n] = {false}
std::list newList
foreach edge in edgeList: // Note edgeList can represent outEdges or inEdges
if (!arr[edge]) {
arr[edge] = true
end for
O(n^3) in worst case (transitive closure produces a complete directed graph). list docs:
The big reason I'm trying to avoid an adjacency matrix is because:
It's only benefit is constant-time edge access. So far transitive closure is the only method that needs that, and I've identified a workaround that actually has slightly optimized run-time and read/write complexity.
We want to implement transitive closure on graphs. This may require change the graph structure to use an adjacency list