BolinLai / GLC

[BMVC2022, IJCV2023, Best Student Paper, Spotlight] Official codes for the paper "In the Eye of Transformer: Global-Local Correlation for Egocentric Gaze Estimation".
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Assistance Requested with Discrepancies in EGTEA Dataset Testing Results #7

Closed entheeb closed 5 months ago

entheeb commented 6 months ago


First of all, congratulations on your recent work on "Listen to Look into the Future: Audio-Visual Egocentric Gaze Anticipation". I have been trying to replicate the results from your study ("In the Eye of Transformer: Global-Local Correlation for Egocentric Gaze Estimation") using the provided repository and readme instructions on the EGTEA dataset. Unfortunately, I encountered discrepancies in the metric results compared to those reported in your paper. After fixing a couple of initial errors in the setup, the script executed successfully, but the results were still inconsistent with those expected. I would appreciate it if you could guide me on where I might have made a mistake or error during testing.

When I ran the script I countered two errors: The first error was: ModuleNotFoundError for torch._six:

After fixing these two errors the script worked but the results were different than the ones in the paper.

The Execution Command I ran: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tools/ \ --cfg /scratch/users/theed/GLC2/GLC/configs/Egtea/MVIT_B_16x4_CONV.yaml \ TRAIN.ENABLE False \ TEST.BATCH_SIZE 32 \ NUM_GPUS 1 \ OUTPUT_DIR checkpoints/GLC \ TEST.CHECKPOINT_FILE_PATH /scratch/users/theed/GLC2/GLC/MViT_Egtea_ckpt.pyth \ DATA.PATH_PREFIX /scratch/users/theed/GLC2/GLC/egtea

The EGTEA directory structure was:

egtea _ cropped_clips _ OP01-R01-PastaSalad _ OP01-R01-PastaSalad-1002316-1004005-F024051-F024101.mp4 _ OP01-R01-PastaSalad-1004110-1021110-F024057-F024548.mp4 _ ... _ OP01-R02-TurkeySandwich _ OP01-R02-TurkeySandwich-102320-105110-F002449-F002529.mp4 _ OP01-R02-TurkeySandwich-105440-106460-F002528-F002558.mp4 _ ... _ ...
_ gaze_data
_ OP01-R01-PastaSalad.txt
_ OP01-R02-TurkeySandwich.txt
_ OP01-R03-BaconAndEggs.txt
_ ...
_ P25-R06-GreekSalad.txt
_ P26-R05-Cheeseburger.txt

I have attached the logging file with the configurations and the results I obtained. Could you please guide me on where I might have gone wrong or what additional steps I should take to align my results with those reported in your paper?

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance
