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[DESIGN] Pricing payment page + trial expiration page #106

Open ericbai opened 6 years ago

ericbai commented 6 years ago

Use cases:

  1. I've been a trial user of TextUp and my trial has now expired.
  2. I've been a trial user of TextUp and my trial is close to expiring so I want to upgrade to a plan (unlimited or pay-as-you-go)
  3. I'm a paying user and I want to see what my plan is + change my plan. Note that plan changes will take effect the next billing cycle/month. For unlimited plans, this may also include paying the year or a certain number of months in advance. The longer the time period you pay in advance, the greater your pre-payment discount is.
  4. I'm a paying user and I want to cancel my account. Note that we shouldn't have an interface for this, but there should be a button directing the user to support.