BoltEngine / Bolt-Tracker

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The type or namespace name `GlobalEventListener' does not exist in the namespace `Bolt' #88

Closed moXier1337 closed 5 years ago

moXier1337 commented 6 years ago

How to reproduce issue

  1. Install Photon Bolt from the asset store
  2. Hosting should be EU with nat punchtrough
  3. Install core packages

Expected Behavior

Actual behavior

It wont function, gives the error

Assets/bolt/scripts/BoltRuntimeConfigs.cs(5,40): error CS0234: The type or namespace name GlobalEventListener' does not exist in the namespaceBolt'. Are you missing an assembly reference?

Also when you hit compile assembly it prints out IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. BoltEditorUtilsInternal.CSharpIdentifier (System.String value) BoltCompiler.CompileMaps (.BoltCompilerOperation op) BoltCompiler.Run (.BoltCompilerOperation op) BoltUserAssemblyCompiler.Run () UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) BoltUserAssemblyCompiler:Run() BoltMenuItems:RunCompiler() BoltWizardWindow:InitialSetup() (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindowUtils.cs:170) BoltWizardWindow:Install(BoltPackage) (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:885)

c__AnonStorey1:<>m__0() (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:787) BoltWizardWindow:DrawStepOption(Texture2D, GUIContent, GUIContent, Nullable`1, Action) (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:838) BoltWizardWindow:DrawInstallOption(BoltInstalls) (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:792) BoltWizardWindow:DrawSetupBolt() (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:482) BoltWizardWindow:DrawContent() (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:441) BoltWizardWindow:OnGUI() (at Assets/bolt/scripts/editor/BoltWizardWindow.cs:417) UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr) ### Configuration - Unity Version: 2018.2.6f1 - Bolt Version: - Operating System: Windows 10 - Network Configuration: Default configuration, photon cloud eu, with nat punchthrough
moXier1337 commented 6 years ago

Btw, I've sent email's, havent really gotten any reply, the ticked id is 23425.

moXier1337 commented 6 years ago

Btw, it seems to be working better with version 2017.4.12f1 LTD

ramonmelo commented 6 years ago

Are updating your project with the latest version or testing on an empty project?

Please, take a look at:

herpdederp commented 5 years ago

Make sure you install core package and compile assembly. Let us know if there are still issues after doing that.