BoltTranslate / Translate

Provides translation for contenttypes.
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[BUG] Ghost Content in empty locales #167

Closed matt-sonata closed 6 years ago

matt-sonata commented 6 years ago

When creating a new record, then filling out translatable fields in the first (default) locale, then saving, then switching to a different locale (locale 2), the content you just entered will appear as if you are still on the first locale.

Pressing save immediately here will permanently save all of the data to locale 2.

While this is a bug, it can be somewhat useful to fill a locale with a copy of the data from the default one. Could perhaps a 'copy from locale x' drop down be implemented?



If you're filing a bug, please describe how to reproduce it. Include as much relevant information as possible, such as:

  1. Bug summary: Switching to a locale void of data will show data from the default locale. Pressing save copies the data across.
  2. Specifics: Bolt installed through file upload. Tested on Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 and Firefox 58.0.2
  3. Steps to reproduce: Have at least 2 locales and a contenttype with translatable fields. Create a new record and fill out fields for locale 1. Save and switch to locale 2. All translatable fields should be filled out.
  4. Expected result: Translatable fields should be empty in locale 2.
  5. Actual result: Content from locale 1 is shown while in locale 2.
SvanteRichter commented 6 years ago

Any field not set has a fallback to the default locale, that is how it was designed. I'd be happy to merge a PR that makes this optional, but right now it isn't.