BoltTranslate / Translate

Provides translation for contenttypes.
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Routing question #69

Closed evertalbers closed 8 years ago

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

When in a single-language site I would have e.g.

    path:           /{slug}
    defaults:       { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::record', 'contenttypeslug': 'pagina' }
    contenttype:    paginas

for my "pagina" contenttype to be rendered as /pagina-slug

what should I do to get /en/pagina-slug and /nl/pagina-slug etc in a site with Bolt translate?

And should it be done in the same location in routing.yml?

SvanteRichter commented 8 years ago

@evertalbers If you have the automatic routing activated it should be fixed automatically... Does it not for you?

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

The contenttype is

    name: Paginas
    singular_name: Pagina

the urls that do work are e.g. /nl/paginas/projecten and /en/paginas/projects

but these do not work: /nl/projecten and /en/projects

SvanteRichter commented 8 years ago

@evertalbers Could you post you full routing.yml so I can try it out?

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

My, you're quick. I'll post the routing in a minute.

BTW, and possibly related, I see that I can translate the slug in the backend, and that the urls are working correctly in the browser, but that the {{ localeswitcher() }} renders the urls as /en/paginas/**projects** and /nl/paginas/**projects** on the English page and as /en/paginas/**projecten** and /en/paginas/**projecten**on the Dutch page (which are both the same pagina -record)

So it is not possible make the slug translatable? I expect that SEO fanatics are going to want this.

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

Here we are, routing.yml:

# This file defines user-definable routes for the frontend of your Bolt website.
# Check below for examples, or read the documentation at

# Begin Profin-specific routes

  path: /sitemap.xml
  defaults: { _controller: 'Bolt\Extension\Bolt\Sitemap\Extension::sitemapXml' }

  path: /sitemap
  defaults: { _controller: 'Bolt\Extension\Bolt\Sitemap\Extension::sitemap' }

    path:           /{slug}
    defaults:       { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::record', 'contenttypeslug': 'pagina' }
    contenttype:    paginas
    path:           /{slug}
    defaults:       { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::record', 'contenttypeslug': 'home' }
    contenttype:    homepages

# categorybinding:
#     path:            /{doelgroepen}/{slug}
#     defaults:        { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::record', 'contenttypeslug': 'paginas', 'doelgroepen': 'zakelijk' }
#     requirements:
#         doelgroepen: [ 'Bolt\Controllers\Routing::getTaxonomyRequirement', ['particulier', 'zakelijk'] ]
#     contenttype:      paginas

# End of Profin-specific routes

# These are the routes defining the default behaviour of Bolt's frontend. Changing these
# might give unexpected results. If possible, only add NEW routes above these.

  path:               /
  defaults:           { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::homepage' }

  path:               /search
  defaults:           { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::search' }

  path:               /preview/{contenttypeslug}
  defaults:           { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::preview' }
    contenttypeslug:  'Bolt\Controllers\Routing::getAnyContentTypeRequirement'

  path:               /{contenttypeslug}/{slug}
  defaults:           { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::record' }
    contenttypeslug:  'Bolt\Controllers\Routing::getAnyContentTypeRequirement'

  path:               /{taxonomytype}/{slug}
  defaults:           { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::taxonomy' }
    taxonomytype:     'Bolt\Controllers\Routing::getAnyTaxonomyTypeRequirement'

  path:               /{contenttypeslug}
  defaults:           { _controller: 'Bolt\Controllers\Frontend::listing' }
    contenttypeslug:  'Bolt\Controllers\Routing::getPluralContentTypeRequirement'
SvanteRichter commented 8 years ago

Is the error you are getting this: Parameter "slug" for route "paginabinding" must match "[^/]++" ("" given) to generate a corresponding URL. ? (if you go to a non default locale that is, otherwise I assume it's Page pagina/ not found., right?)

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

Stop the presses: after updating Translate, the error is gone.

I was going to write this (below), but then realised I was still working with that quickfix on my issue from a couple of days back, and that you'd probably updated the extension in a less hacky way.

This is was the error on a 'pagina' where I left out the 'pagina/' in the url, still with the routing above: bolt_-_fatal_error _-_2016-08-23_07 52 23 png

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

Error gone, see above :-)

madc commented 8 years ago

Good to hear, I'll close the issue than. :)

SvanteRichter commented 8 years ago

@evertalbers I'm guessing the issue you mentioned today is if the contenttype slug is translateable? As in paginas in your example?

evertalbers commented 8 years ago

Yes it was, and that's solved. Only now I see this post so I've been cross-posting/cross-slacking a bit here.