BoltTranslate / labels

Bolt Labels extension - Translatable labels for Bolt
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Provide `"UTF-8"` `charset` argument to `Twig\Markup` in order to prevent warning #57

Closed xiaohutai closed 6 years ago

xiaohutai commented 6 years ago

Fix for when you run on strict_variables on a clean Bolt install without any labels. Bolt 3.4-beta5 btw, but shouldn't really matter.

Uncaught Exception: Twig_Error_Runtime .

Twig_Error_Runtime in Template.php line 447: 
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: Missing argument 2 for Twig_Markup::__construct(), called in /path/to/my/bolt/extensions/vendor/bolt/labels/src/LabelsExtension.php on line 203 and defined") in "layouts/master.twig" at line 51.